Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Yeah, since that went over so well....

burney falls

Since my earlier-crappily-scanned pictures were met with such acclaim I have decided to post a few more. Let's see if this works. Goodness, this is very hard and takes way way way too much time!

The top picture is of Trent and Connor and our dog, Daisy. She is just the cutest little beagle ever in my opinion. Chad doesn't like her as much...He barely tolerates her in fact.

The bottom picture is of Chad, the boys, and K at Burney Falls. I think it's about a year and half old. Burney Falls is so pretty! We want to go camping there someday soon, in a cabin with real beds. I am so never ever going tent camping! Unless it's with my friend, Candace, and her family. We would be drinking heavily and her husband, Jeff, would be cooking for us nonstop. Then maybe I'd consider it. (hehehehe) Oh yeah, and Chad and the boys would go to of course.

Okay, well I need to leave for night school. I am loving my class, BTW. I haven't talked about it much for some reason. It's a Criminal Law class and I LOVE it. Love it. Although when we talk about murder and child abuse I get kind of creeped out, but not so creeped out I don't want to hear more. I am sick like that.

I have many deep thoughts on spousal abuse that I will share with you all soon. Go ahead and do something else, don't wait for me, it could be DAYS before I get back to it...Seriously. I am going to a autism conference with Candace this weekend. And then Chad and I are going away for the weekend for our anniversary in a few weeks. 15 years baby! I am trying to find a decent wedding picture to scan for you all as well. Again, don't hold your breath, it could be some time before I find one. Ms. Jodi is one busy girl between work, school, being a Mom, and a really crappy wife--there isn't much left of the Jodester by the end of the day. *sigh* And on that note, tootaloo my blogging peeps.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

I'm almost done with show and tell, promise!

Great Grandma and Boys

I am almost done with show and tell, promise. This is my Grandma with CrazyDruggieSister's two boys. They are 7&8 years old. Cute as little buttons. They have a sucky life as you can imagine. They are both with their Dad right now, T's ex, and he's NOT a nice guy. It's very sad. What makes me the saddest is that we had J, the oldest boy, when he was a baby for 4 months. I was pregnant with Trent at the time and begged T to let me adopt him. Of course she would have nothing to do with that idea. He is HER son and she would NEVER give up custody of any of her children, thankyouverymuch. He was the sweetest baby, SO sweet. He is a very angry and sad little boy now. T and her ex have completely ruined him, it's tragic. Thank the Good Lord that T had her tubes tied, finally. She is one of those people who should have never ever had children. Ever.

Now, on to my Grandma. She is my paternal Grandma. My Mom took care of my Grandpa, her abusive father-in-law, as he died, my Mom is one strong lady. My Mom & Dad are still living w/ my Grandma, and watching out for her as her health is failing fast. She is 88. I have literally lived about one mile from her my whole life. I have a love/hate relationship with her. She can be so mean, biting, and dowright cruel. And she has an eating disorder, I am not kidding. She is anorexic. Very odd, who knew old people could have body issues? But, she does, trust me. You can imagine how she feels about me and my full figure. Yet, I love her fiercely. I cannot fathom how much it will hurt when she passes away. She is part of the fabric of who I am.

This summer my Mom and my Grandma took care of the boys when I went to work. My Grandma had a ball watching cartoons with the boys, fixing them snacks, and begging my Mom to take them all out for ice cream. She would sulk like a petulant child if my Mom said no to the ice cream or the cartoons more than the boys did. It was great summer for all four of them. My Grandma also bought the boys backpacks and school supplies at the beginning of the school year. This was a HUGE deal because she is known for her tightfistedness. It makes me very happy that my boys get to have such a different relationship with her than I ever did as a child.

She is like a different person since my Grandpa passed away. Every day since he's died she gets prettier and prettier and laughs more. It's so interesting and heart crushingly sad to watch. How much different would her life had been if she had married a kind man who didn't communicate with angry fists and even crueler words? Grandpa was NOT a nice guy. This POST was about him. Life is funny. My Grandma has a eating disorder and was in an abusive marriage for 50+ years. I have managed to escape her legacy yet it has still effected my life in so very many ways. The sins of the father just go on and on it seems. As does mental illness. The whole thing makes me rather tired, that much I know for sure.

I finished cleaning up K's room yesterday...

CrazyDruggie and daughter

Yesterday I finished cleaning up K's old room, which has now been dubbed "the clubhouse" by the boys. {My friend, Candace, and her family are coming next weekend and I need to get the room ready, I am attempting to make believe I have a guest room and I'm good at having company!} I found these pictures in some of her stuff and decided to post them. Well, you knew that part, huh? I am a brilliant at stating the obvious, do I really think you'd be looking at these pictures and wondering if I decided to post them? Good Lord... **if you don't see any pictures please see post immediately following this one, Blogger is super duper screwing with me.

K is the one on the top, she is a very pretty girl. T, aka crazydruggie sister, is the one on the bottom. T is actually much prettier in real life. However, I like this picture because this is what she looks like when "LaTisha" is in control. LaTisha is what my family calls her alter ego who is a mean, asskicking, angry Black woman. Yes, smart ass I realize we are very white, however nobody seemed to inform LaTisha of that very small matter. She THINKS she's Black and that's all that counts I suppose. Isn't attitude 9/10's of the point anyway? When T gets this look on her face you know you better seek cover and quick because what follows is NOT going to be pretty my friend.

K and Crazydruggie sister are living in a drug induced haze as we speak. T had a dirty drug test but didn't get sent to jail, surprise surprise. She just got sent to more drug classes and whatnot. K is skipping school, flirting with the possibility that she will have to go back to juvvy. It's a mess. K has not called us ONCE since she went back to her Mom's. My Mom has talked to T a few times, but nobody has called here, Thank God.
I worry every day that Crazydruggiesister is finally going to push it too far and kill herself. Or that K is going to do something incredibly stupid and get herself killed. *sigh* Loving out of control people who are also mentally ill, stubborn, have a flair for the dramatic, and are addicted to drugs is one painful proposition. I am just thankful they live 10 hours away and it's not in my face everyday. I find some solace in being able to pretend I don't have any family members who could show up on a COPS episode at any given time or on the evening news for that matter. *sigh*

Edited: Look who learned to us a photo program

Alright, so I suck at scanning pictures, obviously. I wanted to show ya all a picture of Connor and I on his first day of Kindergarten. He is the short one with the glasses. I am the fluffy gal with a bad farmer's tan. Now that we have the characters straight maybe you'll forgive the fact I can't scan worth a hoot. *sigh* This crooked picture is going to drive me batty. I am going to post this so I don't have to look at it anymore! Why I think you want subjected to such torture, I don't know...maybe I am a sadist or is it a masochist? I always get those two terms mixed up....

Jodi & Connor 1st day K

Edited to add: Okay, this is MUCH MUCH MUCH better. I finally maybe sorta got this figured out. I am feeling much better about my scanning abilities now! (hehehehe)

Friday, September 08, 2006

Having trouble sleeping, are you?

Have you seen the ads on TV for Lunesta and Ambien CR? Evidently, so has Connor. Here is a sampling of the conversation we had last night at bed time.

"Mom, can you take me to the Doctor to get Funesta or Wambien RR?"


"You know, Mom. I need Funesta. The commercial with the butterfly, ya know? I can only take it when I can devote 8 hours to sweeping and when i don't have to operate heavy machinery the next day. But, Mom..."

"Yes Connor", I choke out, as I am giggling uncontrollably but trying not to make Connor feel silly for asking his Mother for sleep medication that he's seen advertised on TV.

"I don't have a driver liwense, so i don't drive or operate machinery, so I think I can take it, right? ."

"Well, Connor, that medicine isn't for children. Why do you think you need it?

"Because MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM--he drug out the MOM part like I was an idiot who he has to explain every little detail too--, the commercial says it will help you fall asleep FAST and it takes me forever to fall asleep and sometimes I wake up at 3:23 in the MORNING and that's too ewearly to wake up. The medicine helps you fall asleep and STAY asleep. It has two wayers that dissolve you know".

"I see. Well, do you think there is anything that we can do to help you sleep better? Besides taking sleep medications?"

"UMMM, wewl, my bed is awfully hard and Trent snores and that is annoying to me. But, if you got me some of that Funesta I fink I would sleep wots better. Can we call Dr Wogan, Mom? I NEED some Wambien RR with the two wayers".

"Connor, I seriously doubt that Dr Logan will give you either Lunesta or Ambien CR. Maybe we could try giving you a nice glass of milk instead? Milk makes little kids sleepy".


"Go talk to your Dad about it". This is my answer to every question that either makes me blush or giggle.

Apparently I have a 5-year-old with some major sleep issues. And he watches too much TV. Next thing you know he's gonna want that medication for ED or high cholesterol. Is he a 63-year-old man trapped in a child's body perhaps? And who says marketing doesn't work? Connor could be a bill board for sleep medications! :)