Monday, September 29, 2008


I have concluded, on my many a sleepless night, that I need a friend like me. A friend that will listen to my deep dark secrets, worries, and fears without getting completely wigged out. I need a friend who will text or email me even while she's on vacation just to check in to say hello. I need a friend who will call me just to chat. I need a friend who understands that although I LOVE and ADORE my kids there is more to me than just a Mommy.

I don't like to toot my own horn, but I AM a friend like this. And I am lonely. And I wish I had a friend like me. I watched Sex & the City Friday. Do you think people have girlfriends like that in real life? And if they do, where do they find such great bosom buddies who will fly off to Mexico with them when their fiance leaves them at the altar? And, if these girlfriends aren't a Urban myth, where can I find a Sex & the City girlfriend(s) of my very own?

I also seen Candace this weekend and she said that I need therapy. I don't need a friend, I need a therapist. Ouch. Although, to be fair, I did tell her I feel like I am inching closer and closer to a breakdown on the really bad days, that's probably why she thinks I need a therapist. Although I like to think I am part social worker/quasi therapist; Candace draws the line at anything remotely personal and I make her want to crawl out of her skin quite often. She doesn't even like to watch Dateline or Law & Order, because it all gives her a stomach ache. So, needless to say, with all my various issues I cause her a great degree of stomach discomfort, ulcers, and possibly a bad case of colitis.

I don't know. I fear my loneliness is quite complicated and multi-layered. Sort of like a 7-layer-bean dip, only not half as appetizing or as nice to look at.

Super Mommy and I are friends, but only at work. She can barely squeeze me in for lunch, and even when we do go to lunch we usually have her Mom and her 4-year-old son chaperoning our conversations lest we get too serious or too personal. Her real life is much to full and busy for the likes of me. She has enough needy little people in her life that she doesn't need a fat, depressed, 5'9 WHITE girlfriend tugging at her sleeve too. Frankly I afraid that I am the wrong race for Super Mommy and I to ever be really good friends. I fear she will never really let me in, because I'm "white" and she just doesn't enjoy or trust "white" people. *sigh*

I have Chad. And I love and adore him and he IS my best friend. But, I still yearn for a best girly friend.

So, how about you? Where did you meet your greatest friends? Do you think it's possible to have Sex & the city girlfriends in real life? Is your husband your best friend and is he enough?


Anonymous said...

I have friends, but they don't enteract with each other. My bff Julianne and I met when our sons were in pre-k together and they became best buds, so we also became best buds. I was reluctant, but she broke through my barriers and I decided that I really like her and she wasn't just trying to be a fake friend, like you can find so often. Now, my girls previous soccer kid's mom's were not best friend material; they were too caught up in soccer and being super mom and having the perfect little suburban life and I did not really fit that I guess.
Now I also have another really good friend that I work with. Sure I'm friendly to the girls I work with, but something about this girl makes me be her bff too.
And now that I live in my new apartments, I am also good friends with my next door neighbor, and we have gone out together and complained about men together and stuff like that.
So I have these 3 good friends, that don't know each other, so we can't all sit around the lunch table and laugh and all trust and be there for each other. Only me.
I was that way in high school too, had several good friends, one best friend, but they weren't friends with each other. Weird.
I don't know how you find a group of girls that all click like that together. Like on Friend's also, that was a group. Don't know if they really exist.
(i never log in anymore, i just email my posts to my blog)

Ann(ie) said...

I really really really dig this post. And I hear ya. I've been divorced before (as you know because I lovingly refer to my ex as Fucktard on my blog ;) and I didn't have a lot of close girlfriend when he left me for the Denny's waitress Ho. And it was REALLY hard without close girly friends so I promised myself that I would never be without my girls. I nurture the hell outta friendships now and make sure they take priority and I know what you mean because I too am that kind of friend. That friend that will run out in a snowstorm if someone needs something. But, it's finding the connection in my opinion. You don't always find it in your day to day life. When you do find it that friend WILL reciprocate. I KNOW this sounds totally goopy and weird, but I have a feeling you and I would be those friends. I just can tell by your writing and your opinions that we'd probably click. I could also tell the second you jumped in to help when we had car problems. I will never forget that. And it sucks we don't live in the same state. SO you'd best be taking me up on that Vegas getaway one day, girly!!!! I also think some of the movies are hokey b/c so much of that boils down to money. =/ It would be cool to fly to some tropical resort on a moments notice, but not all of us have that luxury.


Tori said...

My lovely girl...
I feel your pain. When I moved here from the UK, I felt that way. It is hard when you move to a new place and need a mate. It didn't take me long to find my BFF and I never dreamed I could have found such a marvelous like-minded soul across the pond. I am now truly blessed with several wonderful friends and a handful of real gems.
You will find your buddy. In the meantime, you have your internet girls. You are way up there on my list!
Count yourself 'in'...

Anonymous said...

I thought I had found my bff but it turns out she was not the person I thought she was. I have many friends, some better than others, but I don't have that one true BFF. Anymore.