Saturday, March 01, 2008

I am home and may be a wanted woman!

On to other news, crazydruggiesister is in jail! And I discovered it when I checked the Orange County website for the sheriff department (which I have bookmarked) for who's in jail and seen that she was incarcerated. However, I was less than thrilled when I clicked on her aliases names and seen that she had been using my name as a alias!! Lovely. I am probably a wanted person in 12 counties in California. i am surprised I was able to get through the security at the airport, they probably had me on some watch list or something. Good Lord. It is is a huge relief that crazydruggiesister is in jail, because now I know that she will be safe for at least a few weeks until they let her out again. Kendra is still in juvvy in Las Vegas, gee it never occurred to me to go and visit her. She is supposed to be testifying against her pimp in the next few weeks. Ah yes, mother and daughter two peas in a pod.

I have a jury duty summons on March 12th. I am actually very excited because I love courtrooms and trials. I really hope they choose me for jury duty! Maybe it will be a juicy case?

Chad and the boys are going to Montana over their spring break at the end of March. I am staying home. I will miss them but am glad I don't have to go. My mother-in-law hates me. And she is crazy.

Life is good.


Anonymous said...

So glad that you are back home safe and sorry that you had to deal with Bitchy and Asshole! I don't know how you put up with them. Jury duty sounds exciting, I hope it is a cool case and not some twelve year old who stole a pack of gum!! Hope you get picked!

wayabetty said...

WOW! You do have an exciting life! I was like you too, so excited to be called for jury duty and I actually served on 2/19, it was a DUI case for 1 day. For me, it was like a day off from being home with the kids. Bad huh?!

Ann(ie) said...

GIRLIE!!! You need to go to Vegas with ME! We'd have fuuuuuuuun. Although, I must admit that everytime I leave Vegas I'm the teeniest bit relieved. That city is such a roller coaster it stresses me out! And I also lose my arse on the stupid nickel slots. I'm always certain that I'm going to win a bazillion dollars, too.
????? ~ I know!

GOOD for you for telling Ms. Bitchy that you're not going to put up with the asshole's crap. They sound like a blast. ug. I probably would have stayed in too if they were the people I got to hang out with. Sometimes Room Service and reality TV is more fun!!!


Upward Falling Autumn said...

I think they may have been in front of me on the way home from Chicago?? Maybe it was someone very similar who kept saying "I do this all the time", and "I'm always sitting in this row" when the lady was asking if he would be able to do the functions of the exit row. 20 minutes and two flight attendants later, we got to take off.

I've never had much of a desire to go to Vegas. Sure I'd go for a free biz trip, but that's about it.

Yay for crazy family! Oh lord girl, I feel your pain. My brother called from wherever-in-the-world-he-is to remind my parents that it was his bday. The knew it, but being that he's lived in 3 states in 6 months, they didn't know where to reach him. Ah, running from the law is the spice of life.

Tori said...

Was so proud of you that you told Bitchy and Asshole where to stick it! Nothing worse that traveling with obnoxious people...

Vegas is definitely an aquired taste - but you must always travel with someone you actually like!