Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I came to a startling conclusion last night. I am Anne of Green Gables, or Pollyana. . .only with more sarcasm. I want everything to be rainbows and butterflys. I am shocked frankly. I didn't realize I was so, well, girly I guess. And emotional. And, dare I say, pathetic?! I thought I was jaded, rugged, worldly, and wise. Yeah, maybe not so much. UGH. The truth hurts.

More on this later my dear blogging peeps.


Ann(ie) said...

You are NOT pathetic, girlie!!! But, I'm more emotional that I care to be, too. :(

We can be anything we want on our blogs, though. You be jaded and rugged. I'll be pissy and bossy. Oh wait, those traits I do encompass in real life. *sigh*

wayabetty said...

Oh, I'm sure you're girlie! We're all girlie in our own way.

KatBouska said...

Anne is a dork. Why can't you be Gidget instead?

Bonnie B said...

Girlie can be good. What's wrong with wanting everything to be butterflies and rainbows? I think I could stand a day of sweet perfection to dull all the smoky misery in Paradise-- this fire sucks!