Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Cross dressing campers & bats, oh my

I recently have came to some startling conclusions. For one, we went camping for 3 long bug filled nights with Candace & family. I didn't die. That was good. I love camping so much I may never go again. I can't believe how DIRTY and labor intensive camping is. Lord. I haven't been camping since I was a teenager and I forgot how much effort and work everything is when you're out in the frickin' woods. I still don't understand why people enjoy hanging out in the woods pretending like they are homeless. We all pay really good money to live in a house, so why do we enjoy going and pretending like we are vagabonds without a home and living off the land? Huh, why?!?!

When we were camping I dreamt that Connor grew up to be a cross dresser. That's what pretending to live off the land will do to a person. Give you crazy assed wild dreams. No thank you. I am already crazy enough, thankyouverymuch.

I leave for Denver on Monday for work, I'll be gone all week. I am excited and nervous. The flying always freaks me out and this is a fairly long flight. I am going with my supervisor, Mr Incredible. (He's not REALLY incredible, he actually annoys me daily, but he looks just like Mr. Incredible--the cartoon guy not some hot body builder type). Hopefully he'll be good traveling company. We'll see. I don't have high expectations frankly.

I have never been to Denver, so that part is very exciting. As an added bonus I love being a guest in a hotel, I am a dork, so I am jazzed about that part too. And it's not camping. The not camping part thrills me. Anyplace I can go to the bathroom in the wee hours of the morning without the aide of a flashlight or the fear of being attacked by a huge stalking frog (!) makes me a fan.

Mace appealed her dismissal, of course she did. The decision was upheld by the Board. I am more than relieved. I almost had to go and testify before the Board regarding the parking lot situation, but then they decided that I didn't have to attend unless they absolutely needed me. And they didn't need me. That made for a happy day! I hope I never have to come face to face with Mace. Good riddance you loony!

Big Brother 10 started! YIPPEE!!!!!! I love me some Big Brother. I don't have any faves yet. All the blond twinsy girls have got to go though. They look like one person to me.

Crazydruggie sister is in jail again. *sigh*

My Dad can be a real asswipe. And he lives in a logging camp 6 months out of the year and loves it, which really makes his sanity or lack there of suspect.

OH, and this morning I was totally a rock star. I captured a real live bat in my kitchen and took it outside by myself. Like the grown up that I am. Yep, a bat. In my kitchen. Maybe I am not living in civilization after all. Hmmm.....


Ann(ie) said...

um. You captured a bat???? wow. I'd still be on top of the fridge screaming for help!!! You're officially my hero.

AND *****YAY***** BB! I'm with you about the blondes....jeeeeez. I know that Renny is already on my last damn nerve. omg. I wanna smack her.

Anonymous said...

I am scared of bats and any winged rat type creatures, so I am in awe of you!

Hurrah for Mace not working with you again....keep your eyes in the back of your head peeled though!

Denver is cool, I always used to like visiting there, I hope you have fun and I hope Mr. Incredible is nice and good company. It would make a change for you to enjoy one of your work trips.

Crimson said...

Eww to the bat. I've actually had to catch a bat before, too. Weird. I won't be in Denver until Thursday night, how long are you there for? Small world is right. And I love camping. I love the fact that I don't need to put on lipstick or change clothes for 3 days. But more than 3 days and i'm trippin' to get home. Have fun on your trip to the big city, Mr. Incredible and all!!

Tori said...

Hey you bat-catching Camping freak...

How the hell are you? I have been away way too long...

Your life on the roller-coaster as usual my love!

That's Jodi's World

Glad about Mace bitch... don't feel guilt...

wayabetty said...

Oh my goodness Jodi, that's so funny about your camping trip too. I'm still trying to figure out why pple would want to go camping!!

And then coming home to do MORE WORK!!! That's not a vacation, it's torture!!