Saturday, March 21, 2009

Mamma Mia indeed

Alright, here I am. And I would advise that you wash your hands after reading this post, all 2 of you. I have had a trifecta of flu like symptoms. After I had my aforementioned bronchial infection I was feeling "normal" for about 3 minutes. Promptly following that I got pink eye, the stomach flu, and now I have a head/chest cold going on. Last week I worked one whole half day. I was out sick the rest of the time. Yeah, I am making all kinds of friends at work, thankyouverymuch. If the kids get this creepy crud you will be able to add me to the list of the nation's unemployed, I am sure.

I have either completely pissed off a deity of some kind or I have the immune system of a 96-year-old. I only wish the stomach flu could have hit the same week that I single handedly tried to eat every single box of Girl Scout cookies that I could get my hands on. I was doing my civic duty y'all, the Girl Scouts didn't sell enough cookies this year due to the economy, didn't you hear? Their new lemon cookies are da-bomb.

I watched "
Mamma Mia". It was cute in a cheesy musical kind of way. Meryl Strep is so pretty she has the most amazing cheek bones, I never realized that before. And Pierce Bronson is still quite dashing. I now have Abba songs playing a continuous loop in my head. It could be worse. I am so sick of my own pathetic company that having something for the voices in my head to discuss is kind of a relief. I kid. Kind of. I'm not crazy. Not really. Or at least not in a clinical kind of way.

I also enjoyed the literary masterpiece "Surfer, Dude". The only good part about this flick was Matthew without a shirt on for the entire movie. Woo-iee. That boy is just plain smokin' hot. I would watch him surf all stinkin' day long. Their clothing budget must have been very limited, because he wore the same board shorts the ENTIRE movie sans a shirt or shoes. I think they realized that was the only bright spot this stinker would have! And, I must reluctantly admit, there were a few funny lines--I actually laughed out loud a few times. Woody Harrelson is a crack up.

Now, if you'll excuse me I need to go and spray Lysol on every available surface, including myself, the kids, Chad, and the cat & dog. Chow blogging peeps.

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