Sunday, September 23, 2007

When Mama's happy...

Mama got herself a new template. You likey? I likey. Blogger ate my old blogging template somehow, I am not sure how or why, so I had to go searching for a new look. I wanted a template that I hadn't seen before, because I am weird that way. If you've seen it before, don't tell me. I like to think I am original and all that. I have been out scouring for a new avatar too, it's slow going and I think I forgot how to download those little devils. Plus I heart my avatar, she is so spunky and cute, don't you think? She's over there on the right hand see her? **I downloaded a new avator, whatdaya think??**

OMG, do you know what's on tonight? A brand spanking new Desperate Housewives AND a new Dateline. Pinch me, am I dreaming? This makes mama very happy. And on Thursday it's a new Gray's Anatomy. And I now have a DVR that I even know how to operate (!) so I can record all these new shows and go to bed at 8PM without feeling like I am missing something important. How I love the fall.

It rained here, 2 days in a row. Mama hearts the rain. I even had to dig out my sweatshirt and socks! Yeah. This must mean that summer is over. Hallelujah and praise the Lord.

My Mom and niece were here for 2 days. Our after school daycare lady was closed for 2 days for a wedding and we had no after school care for the kids, so my Mom came up to help out. She cleaned and did laundry, planted flowers, and then cleaned some more. It was awesome! I have no idea where any of my underwear are, but hey, going commando until I turn some of the bad boys up is a small price to pay.

I used to have a 4.0 GPA in school. I am taking 2 online classes this semester. Once the semester is over I think I will have somewhere close to a 3.0 or worse. *gasp* I took a quiz in my history class and got a 65%! 65%, are you freaking kidding me? I don't get 65%, well, at least I never use to get 65%, apparently I do now. Lord help me. The things we do to keep the student loan people of our backs, I am not sure if I can live with such mediocre grades. But, you do what you gotta go, and Mama's gots to sleep. A lot. Working 40 hours a week takes all my energy and then some.

Crazydruggie sister is in jail, or in a locked down treatment center, or something like that. She is not a free woman is all I know, and she doesn't have my new phone number either. I am actually relieved because this means she will at least be somewhat safe, and that's more than I can say when she's living on the street. I am happy she doesn't know my new phone number for very obvious reasons, the biggest one being collect phone calls are stinking expensive and I ALWAYS except the charges. Mama is such a soft touch.

So, Mama is happy, expect for that 65%, but I am trying to see the glass as being half full and all that happy BS. How are you?


Kristin said...

the template is great and i haven't seen it anywhere... well done! glad sister is in lock-down... safer for your sanity.


Molly said...

Template = very pretty.

Are you telling me DH was new on Sunday night and I missed it?!! Oh the horrors! Can you email me and tell me what happened?

Ann(ie) said...

So Many things to say (as usual!)

a.) I'm behind on my blogging ways and I suck.

2.) You're going to school, working FT and have 2 kiddos?? GOOD for your mama for coming to help. You're beyond deserving, sugar!

c.) =( Sorry about crazy drug sis, girlie. I'll bet you're relieved. I'm sure it helps to sleep at night knowing that she's in a safe place. feh.

42.) Most importantly, are you watching the biggest loser? What about dancing with the stars??


Pollyanna said...

Annie, no, I don't watch the Biggest Loser or Dancing with the Stars. I used to watch Dancing but I am so busy now that something had to go. And I don't watch Biggest Loser because I hate any show where they yell at fat people. :)

And yes, I am very glad that crazy druggie sister is locked up and safe. She worries me sick.

As always, thank you for commenting. You are a peach! :)

Pollyanna said...
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