Saturday, September 08, 2007

Tina Turner's hair double with back eyes

Hi all! I just wanted to post real quick and let everyone know I am still alive and kicking Suffering with the horrible smoke from the fires, but still here ready to share my wry observations of life with the Internet. Seriously, the smoke is so bad here that they didn't let the kids go out for recess yesterday at school. I wish it would just rain already, but I don't think it ever rains here, something about moving to the high desert?

Let's see...what's new you ask? What's new in Jodi's world? WELL,my kids are smart! Seriously, brillant. The school even told me so. Connor was switched to a 1st/2nd grade combo class because he was bored out of his mind. I think his 3 years of preschool have really paid off! And of course he is a genius which doesn't hurt. I was really excited when they called to ask me if Connor could switch because I didn't like his first teacher one little bit. His new teacher just seems like she is a better fit. And he was bored. And a bored kid is not a good kid.

The school is also doing more testing on Trent to follow up on what our old school failed to do, which pisses me off every time I think about it, and they did a test where they seen how many words he could read. 997 out of a 1000, that's what my kid knew! And it went up to a 6th grade level. It impressed the teacher testing him down to the bottom of her toes. I talked with her Friday and she said they have a lot of testing they want to do on Trent because they can understand why I am concerned. If I could have kissed the lady I would have. It's so nice to have somebody in power listen to your concerns and not just blow you off.

I finally got my hair cut. It had been four months since my last haircut, I looked like Tina Turner on a bad bad hair day. I heart my new hair dresser. She is awesome. I have booked my next appointment already, yeah me! I even bought product, which makes me feel super rich and pampered. It's sad and pathetic, I know, but it's the really simple things that make me very happy. And now we are broke again, Chad's new job only pays once a MONTH, so I am glad I did it when I had the chance. Budgeting is not our strong suit.

Trent and Chad went back to our old hometown today to pick up some more crap from our old house which my Mom and Dad are moving in to in about 3 weeks. Connor stayed home with me, he's been watching cartoons all day and I have let him because I am a good Mom that way. Chad just called and said that him and Trent are going to spend the night because they are just too tired to drive home. I asked Connor what he wanted for dinner, I was expecting him to say McDonald's or some other fast food that comes with a toy, he wants cereal. What an awesome kid, we don't have to go anywhere which means I can stay in my yucky clothes and wild hair, yeah me. Maybe he's worried I wouldn't change my clothes and contain my hair and is embarrassed to be seen with me in public since he's a cool 1/2nd grader? Nah, I think he just really really likes cereal.

Since the boys were little I have told them that I have eyes in the back of my head and therefore could see everything they were doing behind my back. They have not figured out that I totally don't have back eyes. Connor is watching Cartoon Network right now as I type and he just asked me if I was watching the TV with my back eyes. I said, "Of course I am honey!". SHHH, don't tell me I really am not an alien life form. Wouldn't back eyes be useful though? I mean, seriously. Just think about it for a minute.

Does anybody know when the new season of TV is starting up again? Big Brother is almost over, so I know that the new season should be winding up to go again. I am so mad that they let Dick and Danielle stay on! Jameka better hope that she wins HOH this week or she's history. Nobody and I do mean nobody is going to win in the final 2 sitting next to her!

I am anxious for ER, Amazing Race, Desperate Housewives, and Gray's Anatomy to start up with new episodes. It's not like I don't have a million other things I should be doing, but still, it's cheap entertainment. So, clue me in, when does all the shows come back? Huh, when?

And now you are up to date with all the goings on in Jodi's world. What's new with you?


Ann(ie) said...

Hey Girly!!!

Can you fricken believe BB????? OMG. Zach ROCKS. If Danielle leaves I'm going to be jumping around my living room! You jump around, too. It'll be fun!

Shows are beginning to start, but I think the third week of Sept is when most of them begin. I cannot WAIT for Grey's Anatomy and ER. Do you think ER's gonna make it another season? It's fan base seems to be dwindling.

SO GLAD things are going better at work, sugar!


karen! said...

One day I will have time to go back and read this whole post, but I'm glad you like your new hairdresser! When you find the one that fits you, try to keep him/her.
Hey, does your hubby have a blog? He should do a blog on what the kids get away with in school now, like you commented on my blog.
Wow, your kids are so smart! That's great!
I think my boy would be so smart, but he doesn't care, so he doesn't really try. He's doing better so far this year tho.
<3 Karen

Kristin said...

Hey Jodi - your blog is all messed up (at least on my server - Firefox)... is it just me??

I read what I could and so well done on the smarty pants kids!!

Denise said...

Okay, yeah, love the new look of the blog with the cute butterflies and cute kid. But it is all to the left, to the left (of my screen).
Whatever, it's fine.
I didn't know what you were talking about with the fires and smoke, but then I saw the news! Yikes! Hope it's all better by now!

Denise said...

Okay, yeah, love the new look of the blog with the cute butterflies and cute kid. But it is all to the left, to the left (of my screen).
Whatever, it's fine.
I didn't know what you were talking about with the fires and smoke, but then I saw the news! Yikes! Hope it's all better by now!

Tori said...

Hey you... took me a while to catch up with your recent posts. Now I feel I am up to speed. This move to the desert has been good for you. Well done for taking the plunge. Things are coming together for you and yay on the clever boys!

Ann(ie) said...

I love love love love love your new look. LOVE IT!!!!

Pollyanna said...

Yes, thank you on the compliments about the new look. I thought it was pretty dang cute. And I haven't seen this templete everywhere yet, which makes it that much more desirable! :)

I will try and get a new post up soon....

Bonnie B said...

I'm glad the smoke is finally gone -- it was even smokey in Paradise. Ben burnt his leg on that fire-- so he's going to have a NASTY scar. At least he's OK.
I like the new look-- very cute. Some day I will start blogging again and change my look. I've just been a big old depressed slub since I returned from vacation-- all that fun anf then back to reality (what a bummer). I really need to get a job or go back to school or something.