Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I am just so pissed off

I have been trying so hard ya'll, to be positive and not complaining here, because as a general rule in real life,I am pretty upbeat and "the glass is half full" kinda gal.

But, I am so pissed off at my MOTHER right now. Fundamentaly pissed. And it involves aspects about my life that I haven't shared on this blog because I never wanted to portray who or what I am in a bad light.

OHMYGOODNESS I am mad, so very mad.

Let's just say that there are two separate sets of expectations and standards in my family. One for my brother and sisters and one for me. I am just so very tired of it. And I am almost 38 years old,I haven't had any babies out of wedlock, VS my brother and sister who had ALL their kids out of wedlock, I haven't been in jail once or done drugs ever, can't say the same for them again! Give me some credit for once.

"You know every 5 pounds you gain is heart attack fat in this family, dear". This was after I told her about all the eating we did at work this last week. AND the fact that I didn't eat any dinner for 3 nights because I ate so much during the day I was still full when I got home.

"I am worried about Connor, dear. I think he's turned to the dark side (I am quoting her). All he talks about is magic and special powers. I think you need to disconnect your cable and YOUR TV. You know, when you kids were little there were years that we didn't even own a TV". Yes, mother, and look at what happy and well adjusted adults we've all turned out to be. Meanwhile, Connor tells me that Grandma let him play "kingdom of hearts" on the PS2, which I don't even own any gaming machines in this house, and he was placing spells and doing all kinds of magic in that game.

"You know, dear, the only reason you've turned out the way you did is because you had MY adult friends who took an active interest in you and took you under their wing. Where are your nurturing adult friends for you kids? Why don't you have nice friends who are taking an active interest in your kids? I am really worried about your boys. I think you're going to lose them when they are teenagers". MEANWHILE, K, who lives with HER, is posting "Fuck it" bulletins on her myspace and my mother seems to think that is just fine. If i would have EVER even muttered that word, let alone posted it somewhere for the whole Internet to see I would still be grounded. And threatened with all kinds of bodily harm. But, since it's K it's cool. She gets a special pass for EVERYTHING.

And there's other stuff that REALLY pisses me off but I can't really talk about without explaining everything first. And then this would be a huge long memoir and none of us want that. Not to mention the fact I need to be at work all bright and cheery in 30 short minutes.



Molly said...

So sorry that you are at odds with your mom. I think it happens to the best of us - I think my mother is mental so there you go! You cannot control your kids either, you can only guide them. Ned is totally into guns at the moment despite the fact I tell him I don't like them and will not buy him one. But it doesn't stop him picking up a stick and pretending it is a gun and telling me he wants to be a bad guy! As long as you love your children, who cares what anyone else thinks? You're doing a great job with them and you pointed out all the things your mom is NOT doing with K, so tell her that her glass house is to fragile to be throwing stones around in there!

Kristin said...

I can relate... my brother gets cut soooo much slack from my dad... it drives me crazy!

Maybe your New Year's Resolution can be to see less of her for a while...?


Ann(ie) said...

If it's not one thing it's your mother.

*shaking head*


I can really really really relate right now, darlin. But, mine's more on the other side of the family these days.

Those kind of comments just drive me just want to look at them as say 'are you KIDDING ME? Did you really just say that????' My mom's family has perfected the passive/aggressive put down. We might actually have won some awards in that category in fact.

Thinking of you!! xo.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry if you need more possitive adults in your boys lifes to "take them under their wing", I thought that was a parents job.
I think that you and Chad do a great job with your boys. A grandmother SHOULD not ask for nicer boys then yours, and they have a great adult male influnace who is theaching them to be a great husband and father, really no one can ask for more.

And if you need more possitive people in the boys lives by all means expose them to juvy jumping K, insted of your fence walking sinner friends in the boonies.LOL

Can't wait to see all of you and furthur our distuctive influance on the boys in 17 days and counting hehehe!

Luv ya Candace!!!!

Anonymous said...

You know my feelings on other peoples opinions especially when you are a great mom. I know it was hard not to say "Yeah mom look how great all your kids turned out" (you excluded, but you are more responsible for that than she is). I think she is having some issues with losing all the control she had when you lived closer. Just laugh and say "Oh well that's nice" and smile. I hope to be able to chat soon.

The Southern Belle