Saturday, December 15, 2007

Top 10 List

1. Do you know how hard it is to type with a cat wrapped around your booblar/upper chest area? Try it sometime and get back to me. This cat is like Visa, he's everywhere I want to be. *sigh*

2. Why does long wearing nail color never last even close to the 10 days like is advertised on the bottle?

3. Contrary to popular belief, it is NEVER a good idea to wait until the day before your final in Multicultural History to get started on said Final. Especially if you wrote a practically brilliant (cough, cough) midterm, got 100/100 on said midterm, had your Professor post your paper as a model to follow for the other students, and now feel tremendous pressure to perform as well on the Final. This may or may not cause severe anxiety, insomnia, bloating, heavy sighing and a erection lasting longer than 4 hours. If you should exhibit these symptoms, please visit your nearest mental health facility to have your head examined for thinking you can work full time, and go to college when you are a 37-year-old mother of two.

4. It is freezing butt cold in the high desert. The high temp for this whole last week was 35 degrees. It was so cold at work yesterday that the liquid soap froze in the woman's bathroom! There is a company there working on putting in a new heating and air conditioning system and in my professional opinion I would say that something isn't quite hooked up right, but what do I know?

5. Guess who's going to Vegas in February? I am not looking forward to it. I know you're shocked.

8. It takes a LOT of patience and self control to teach a 79-year-old purchasing clerk who is practically deaf to order office supplies online. The whole experience may or may not have not caused me to have a twitch and severe ankle swelling.

9. I have lovely urine, surprisingly low cholesterol, and a disgustingly normal thyroid. A doctor even told me so.

10. And lastly I still hate our after school daycare lady. She is pissing me off every single day now. Connor informed us one of the other patrons who attends his crappy daycare taught him how to spell the "F bomb-it's spelled f-u-k-e." Clearly the other child has horrible spelling skills. And if you're gonna teach my kid to spell, at least teach him the correct spelling and pronunciation of the word, thankyouverymuch. I am actively searching for an alternative source of daycare. Trent would like to hire a "private in-home babysitter". He doesn't understand why that makes me so nervous I start sweating profusely and muttering under my breath. I guess the child hasn't watched enough Primetime Lives and Dateline specials in his 9 years yet.


Violet said...

Oh Jodi, I'm sorry your daycare lady is being like that. I don't know how we're going to do it when all 3 are in school & I get to go back to working full time. Also, I have no one but me to blame for my 3 year old's potty mouth. Funnily enough, my almost 11 year old won't swear, and gets mad when I do :) I hope everything gets better for you soon, and that you find other after school care soon :)

Ann(ie) said...

I have a deal to propose:

I will take one for the team and go to Vegas FOR you. I will also pledge to drive crap ass coworker ape shit and maybe drive her to quit.

I'm not Indian, but I'm pretty sure I could make you proud. ;)

Ann(ie) said...

OH...and yay on the lovely urine. See, tis the season to be thankful!!!

Molly said...

I too am the one with the potty mouth and Ned tells me when I have said "a bad word" and looks at me with utter disappointment!

I am very jealous that your cholesterol is good, mine is nothing to be proud of. Yay you!