Friday, January 25, 2008

I fell in a snow bank and couldn't get up

I fell after work in the parking lot of work on Tuesday because it was literally like a skating rink out there. I am fine. Thank goodness for my very large behind that I landed on and that it was 5:30 so nobody seen me. My 80-year-old coworker had baked Chad a pie because he had shoveled for her when it snowed 27 times ago. I was carrying the homemade pie when I fell and it slid way across the parking lot sort of like a very large hockey puck, if I was playing hockey I would have TOTALLY made a goal. After I fell I looked around and thought DAMN IT, now I have to get up and retrieve that pie on the freaking other side of the parking lot. Of course my purse went the complete opposite way. I had to re slide to other freaking side of the parking to pick that up and then I then discovered that I had a purse full of snow and ice. I am thinking if somebody was taping me we could have won $10,000 on AFV. The pie actually didn't break, isn't that amazing? I was really hoping for huge bruises on me to prove that I fell, but instead I was just super sore on Wednesday and looked like Frankenstein. My butt hurt, my knee hurt, my elbow hurt and I was moving oh so very slowly. *sigh*

YES, I am super duper happy we moved to where it snows every freaking day for 4 months straight, thanks for asking.


Molly said...

I'm sorry you hurt yourself but you make it sound so funny I can't help but smile! But I seriously hope you feel better soon and glad you didn't break anything - especially the pie!

I love the snow - wait until the scorching hot summer and then next winter you won't feel so anti-snow and cold weather!

Ann(ie) said...

owie. I would so totally do this. Actually I've done it. I hate the snow and ice...Jan and Feb are always LONG months. In March I perk up a bit.

Feel better, love. xo. Glad you posted!!

Kristin said...

I think you need to try and recreate the scene... 10k is A LOT of money!!! ;-)

wayabetty said...

Ouch! I can totally feel those bruises! And I don't envy you at all, they're predicting snow/sleet tomorrow...and it has to be a friday too. Traffic will be jammed!