Sunday, June 04, 2006


Geez, I don't know what's up with me lately, I am just full of all kinds of deep thoughts. Lordy. Please excuse me. I hope my sense of humor returns post haste.

Stephanie touched on it here. And Jenn touched on it here. And I can't forget Mom 101, who needs more comments like a hole in the head, but she summed it up well here too. What is up with our fellow women, I ask you? I recently was awarded a $300 scholarship from a local business women's organization, which was awesome, and I was invited to attend their monthly meeting to receive my award. There were two of us women who rec'd the scholarship. My fellow awardee has just rec'd her BA and her degree was in women's studies or something to that effect. The local business women were all atwitter by this news obviously, since it's what their organization is all about, I think a few were wondering why they gave ME an award as well, but that's a whole other post. After my fellow awardee's announcement about her degree, a big discussion ensued about women supporting other women and how it's still generally a man's world, blah, blah, blah.

One of the members sitting to my right spoke up, quite bravely I may add, "You know, I have to say, that at my job, she works at the local university, the people who I have the most problems with and who try to keep in my "place" the most often are not the men, but rather my fellow WOMEN". The room grew silent. You could hear a pin drop. Some of the members starting nervously shifting in their seats while doing the classic-woman-thingy, picking imaginary lint of the banquet table cloth or their classicly stylish skirt and sensible shoes. Finally, another member quickly changed the subject. Since I am a rebel rouser I turned to the brave woman and told her that I totally understood what she was talking about. In my former life, i.e before my kids, I was in banking. And the most ruthless people I encountered, in the business context and out, were women. I told this woman, I have forgotten her name, about the recent brouhaha in the blogging world between working women vs. The stay-at-home-mom's. She laughed. "Oh, honey, that's old news!" She said that this war between the work- at- homes and the work- outside- of -the- homes mummy's has been going on for decades now, ever since women were allowed into the work place.

I sat there thinking, how sad. Why can't women just support one another? Why can't it be okay for one Mom to feel totally fulfilled with being at home doing the hardest job in the whole world, and for another Mom to go into the working world either out of necessity or out of desire without one or the other of the women being attacked for their choices? Why can't we just support one another and give each other props for making it through yet another day without losing our ever loving minds? Is it guilt? Is it our competitive nature? Are women, at the core, just trying to claw their way to the top of the heap? Is this only a problem we have in the United States? Do other nation's women have inner fighting as well? I just don't know. Do you? I just know that it saddens me. And when I refer to THOSE women, I'm of course NOT talking about you. You're one of the most supportive women I know, obviously.

And the whole subject makes me ascared to once again be entering the lion's den with a bunch of catty women! Although, it may provide good blogging fodder, and, well, that's always a good thing, right?


Anonymous said...

Wooaaa, you are on a serious streak, kiddo. Keep it going. It's good to be provided with thought provking posts now and again.

At 6 foot tall, I tend to intimidate the hell out of most of the folk that I work included. But interestingly enough, I appear as threatening to women. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I am not a shrinking violet. All I know is that I have been the victim of "women abuse" many times. Age, and the wisdom that goes with it, has taught me a few things.

1) I like who I am. 2) I speak truth, gently and with humor, and will continue to do so. 3) I acknowledge that the people I deal with are in different places on their journey. 4) They do not have the power to diminish or demean me, unless I give it to them.

Thanks for this post. Funny is good, brain food is better.

Wendy aka Cheeky said...

I currently work from home for my old company. I LOVE my old company - the only thing that I could not deal with was my boss - a woman! She could not/or would not permit another woman in the company to get more "power" than her - real or perceived. Prior to my leaving, I hired a very intelligent, witty, stong female attorney for the company. I had not been gone for more than a month when I was called concerning my former boss (it was a fact finding call for disciplinary purposes) - bottom line - it was not a superior/subordinate issue - it was a woman issue.

Funny, on my last visit - my former boss seem to be much more subdued.......

I like to see other women succeed in whatever it is they want to do.

Cristina said...

The meanest, nastiness, harda*s of a boss I ever had was a woman. Women can be tough.

I agree with you that it is sad when women lay guilt on other women about their decision to stay at home or work. It is such a personal decision determined by many factors. How can someone ELSE tell you you're wrong. I think that the cattiness comes from people that may be insecure about their own decision. I also agree with you that the mama bloggers are not at all like this and are a supportive lot. Including you, Miss Jodi!

Undercover Angel said...

It's true. Women can be catty. I've been hurt more by the remarks of other women over the years, than I ever have been by a man. It's really too bad that women can't work together and support each other - but there is just too much competition in womenhood. It frustrates me to no end.

Kristin said...

you are absolutely right... women could rule the world if we would stop stepping on each other's heads.

Babaloo said...

I don't have much to relate on this subject. I work with all men, live with all men and I guess even miss the occasional "catfight" now and then. No, not really! I guess I'll just say more power to you entering the "lions den" to take on all those that dare be catty in your presence. Show 'em the right way to get to the top!

Mom101 said...

I think it's d) all of the above. I think the guilt, the feelings of inadequacy, the insecurity with our own choices make us condemn others in order to justify our own decisions. Sucks, don't it.

Bonnie B said...

I think my nature women have learned to be competitive and fight for-- their kids, family-- to get noticed by a professor in physics for soemthing other than clevage.
So women expect more from each other. SOme women have taken high school to heart and have decided to make everything a competition in which they must one up the next or make her look stupid. I feel sorry for these women.

Cheryl said...

hooray for you. I totally agree. It is time for a lot of women to just get over it and quit blaming a man for all of their problems.


Wherever a woman plants herself whether at home or on a job is fine with me...neither should be looked down upon.

Perstephone said...

Many commenters have mentioned that women are bitches and while I think that there are women out there who are "difficult" I don't think that's the real problem. I think the real problem is that women feel insecure. When women look at what another woman has or is, well, they start adding up all the things in their life and then feel insecure because they are doing it differently or they didn't know about X or whatever. Then out comes the judgment because it makes her feel better than saying, "I do this, but X is also a viable option. I never would have thought of that." It's sad because every woman I've ever met has something to offer, be it a new perspective, an idea, a laugh, a hug, whatever.

And, for the record, I'm not so sure that calling women bitches is helpful to the cause that has us complaining.

but Momma said...

I was a big chicken and decided to wait and see what the comments were before I chimed in. :)
I always found men were easier to work for than women, the ones I met were more straight forward. Girls are hard, I should know, I R 1.

Anonymous said...

Well put.

Sad to say, my worst clients, the ones who always made it hard to navigate the working-at-home-mom dilemma, were women. I do agree that guilt has a lot to do with it; guilt over choices made that need to be justified by casting negative judgement on others.

I had one experience, after I told one of these female clients that I couldn't drive to the airport at 9pm to make her FedEx cut-off time because my children WERE IN BED, she said to me, "Oh, I guess you CAN'T do it all." Nice, huh?