Thursday, August 10, 2006

The great camping debate of 2006

You know how something is bothering you, but you don't WANT it to bother you, so then it just keeps pecking away at your consciousness like a leaky faucet drip, drip, dripping? Oh, please humor me and say that know what I mean?! Okay. So, I have this problem and the only way I can purge it is to blog about it. I apologize. This will probably be one BORING post. Sorry, sorry, sorry. I never said Jodi's world was pretty folks. Oh no, I did NOT. HMPPFHHHH.

Okay, so you all know about our money problems, as I have been bitching, moaning, and generally being a whiny butt about it all summer, right? Let's just say that our situation was NOT getting any better. It just kept getting more and more dire. I am not even sure how that IS possible, but that's not the point. Chad decided to sell his truck. I was heartbroken and sad. It's been a really good truck and we need a 2nd car soooo bad, especially now that I am working. He was going to sell it and then buy something cheap and fix it up--he's a mechanic. My parents got wind that he was going to sell the truck and offered to float us a loan.

This is extraordinary because a) I didn't know my parents had any money to loan and b) they pride themselves on letting their kids struggle a little bit and not interfering in their business. Which I totally admire in a neutral 3rd party kind of way. After much deliberation we decided to accept the loan. Chad worked out repayment details with my Dad. Chad & i sat down and figured out the best way to spread the loan around and pay as many bills as we could. Then we made up a NEW budget that included the weekly payments to my parents and all our monthly bills. Our money situation is so looking up. Added to the fact that I will get my financial aide money from school on the 21st we are feeling the weight lifting off of us, which is a VERY good thing. A good thing indeed.

Therefore, in spirit of the feelings of goodness we decided to plan a CAMPING trip to a KOA cabin about 3 hours from here. I got a pit in my stomach wondering what my parents would say. When we were growing up we NEVER had money and my parents had their noses to the grindstone almost always. I truly can remember very few times we ever did anything that was purely recreational or even buy what my Mom considers "non-basic" groceries. I am serious. I think that's one of the reasons I LOVE grocery shopping and going out to eat, because it's something we never did when I was a kid and when we did it was very stressful because of how much it was going to cost. Granted, now that I am a parent I TOTALLY understand their stress, they had 4 kids to feed and clothe and never, ever enough money.

I was sick of this feeling of dread in my stomach so I told my Mom about our CAMPING plans. She said, "WELL, your Dad and I would NEVER want to interfere in your daily life, but I think your Dad would feel galled if you went camping. I KNOW what he had that money put aside for and he'd be insulted if you went camping". OOOOOOKKKKKKAAAAAYYYYY. I mean, I understand from a intellectual point of view why she said that. They really and truly don't have very much money. I have NO clue where my Dad got that money to loan us. Truly. And they live the simplest life. So simple it's sad, really. And I am sure she is wondering what got us in this mess in the first place. i am wondering that as well. It is a laundry list of circumstances, none of which would seem alarming alone, but together spell disaster.

However, from a emotional point of view I am miffed. And mad at myself for having to borrow money from them. We are going to have to play mother-may-I until the loan is paid off. *sigh* And i HATE being told what to do so it's really going to grate on my last nerve. And I hate living like a monk and feeling guilty for buying take out pizza! GRRRRRRRR.

And I don't want to alienate her because I am selfish. I need her help for daycare. I will be SOOOOOO screwed if I make her mad and she doesn't help me with the kids once school starts. So I am stuck. I am forced to pretend it doesn't bother me. I have to be brave and tell my kids that no, we are not going camping, no we can't go see "Barnyard", no we can't go McDonald's. All the while I am looking into their faces remembering what it felt like to be a kid who NEVER ever got to do anything just for fun. And it makes me sad, and angry and conflicted as hell.

Somehow I think our anniversary trip out of town for October just got cancelled too. *sigh*

Edit by author:::::::::::::
Thank you for all your kind words and suggestions. It means a lot to me, it really really does. Thank you!! Okay, here is what we have decided to do. We are going to POSTPONE, not cancel the camping trip for when we have the loan paid off. Chad went and put some camping supplies, a camp stove, some sleeping bags, on layaway today. That was very exciting for the boys! We have also decided to speed up our payment schedule with my parents. We were to pay $50 a week starting in November and we instead are going to start paying in September and pay $75/week. We are hoping we have them totally paid off by February this way. Then we will be free to go camping AND out to McDonalds in the same weekend if we want! To celebrate getting our debt to the mob, er I mean my parents, paid off we will then go camping on the coast for the weekend. Chad and I are both happy with this plan and feel like we have found a workable suggestion to our quandary. Thank you all again! It was mostly due to your suggestions that we came up with this blogging peeps are great..what can I say???


socialworker/frustrated mom said...

Oh no, I feel so bad, poor kids and poor you. I understand you need a break and so do your kids and it isn't a luxury trip. Too bad your parents can't understand. Life is not fair! Must be so hard trying to make ends meet, sorry you are having this tough time. Is there any way of you going camping by convincing your parents you need this trip for your sanity?

but Momma said...

Whenever I have to gear myself up for tightening the financial belt, it always helps to read stories about the depression. They're really sad and when your done, you realize how great your life is.

Am I a ray of sunshine, or what?

Karmyn R said...

First - that is great when your parents can help....

BUT - bummer that they stepped in and are now using the money as a powertool to run how you spend your life!!

Camping doesn't have to be expensive - only pay for the spot and the gas to get there. (and some food). AND - everyone deserves a break in the summer - especially the kids! Can you go camping in your backyard? The kids would like that.

I saw your name from Socks&Men and just thought I'd stop by!

Babaloo said...

I can't imagine what borrowing money from parents must be like. However, just because they loaned it to you, doesn't mean they can stipulate how you spend it and dictate your lifestyle choices(please don't tell me this was part of the loan agreement? aaah!)

If the money has helped you as much you say and are paying them weekly it seems like that and your gratitude should be enough. It is a wonderful thing for them to do for you after all.

However, It's camping for cryin' out loud! Maybe you should tell them you are going on a month-long trip to Europe and when the shock wears off, camping won't seem too bad!

I'm just saying...

Some Random Girl said...

I hear ya. I've been in the same situation umpteen times with my parents due to them bailing me out. I'd still go camping. You are making family memories and those last a lifetime....alas, so do feelings of guilt but what would you rather your kids remember? You can check into some really great hostels for super cheap!!! We went to Ft. Bragg and stayed at the hostel up there. You can stay for like 40 bucks a night. plus they have kitchen you can cook in. check out hosteling.

Piece of Work said...

Oh that is entirely sucky! And to be so stuck, with needing them for daycare, too. Do you see a light at the end of the tunnel? When you might be able to pay them off?

Loriann said...

I'm so so sorry that you have to deal with money worries on a daily basis. It really sucks. I'm glad that you parents were able to help you out and that that takes some of the burden off of your shoulders. I know exactly what you mean though about "needing" parental approval of how you spend the money though. Through many unfortunate events my parents have been helping me and my kids financially for several years now and every time I have to ask for money to pay bills or buy groceries I get knots in my chest. They've never said no but I still feel guilty every time I take my kids to see a movie or get Mc Donald's too. With the price of gas these days is there anyway you could go camping somewhere more locally? If so, I think you should still go camping. I agree with's not an extravagant vacation, it's camping for crying out loud.

Loriann said...

Oh, I forgot to add, I know exactly how you feel about saying no to the kids constantly for even the simple things, I say it to mine on a daily basis. It's hard to say the least. If you ever need to commiserate email me at

Cristina said...

Oh gosh, this is such a tough situation. I kind of feel the same way actually. My parents watch my son for me 3 days a week while I go to work and I feel guilty telling them when we spend money on something "fun" or "frivolous". (Side note: They also were VERY thrifty when they were raising us because they were on one income and it was a pretty lousy income at that. We rarely ate out and never got anything but the basic groceries either. We weren't poor but we didn't have a lot of "stuff".) ANYWAY, I agree with the previous posters who suggested that you still go camping. Like they said, it's not an expensive vacation anyway and plus you need your time away as a family. It's not something that you should feel guilty for doing. It's something important to keeping your family thriving. Maybe if you explain it to your dad like that, he will come to understand.

Good luck. I'm sure this is tough on you. ((hugs))

Pendullum said...

I am happy for the update....
Loans are a very nasty state... especially if there are so many strings attached...
Hang in there Jodi...
You guys are strong, and are a great family... Plan a fake camping night at your place...
Set the living room up... Go the the library and get camp songs for your CD player, turn off the lights and have a few candle light board games handy and a stack of cards...
GIve you and your family and early aste of camping... and bus some marshmallows, chocolates and graham grackers and make shmores in the oven...

Pendullum said...

I am happy for the update....
Loans are a very nasty state... especially if there are so many strings attached...
Hang in there Jodi...
You guys are strong, and are a great family... Plan a fake camping night at your place...
Set the living room up... Go the the library and get camp songs for your CD player, turn off the lights and have a few candle light board games handy and a stack of cards...
GIve you and your family and early aste of camping... and bus some marshmallows, chocolates and graham grackers and make shmores in the oven...

Loriann said...

Thanks for the update sounds like a great solution and should make everyone happy in the long run!

Kristin said...

i am late to this party, but i am glad ro read your resolution of sorts... money and family... never an easy thing!

Wes said...

Glad to hear that all the advice above has helped you make a decision on the way forward! Good luck with it all!!

Bonnie B said...

I am so happy to hear you are going camping someday anyway. You and the kids can come camping for free at my parent's cabin if you want-- once Ben is gone, we could go and set up tents "in the wild" and cook in her kitchen-- or you guys could go by yourselves (you know I have a tent:)
She has a huge firepit, hammocks. There is a creek for fishing and lakes for swimming. It would be fun. Our kids could be like Lord of the Flies.

I don't want to be obnoxious or anything(hehehehe) I just miss you Jodi.

socialworker/frustrated mom said...

Yay I am so happy you pusponed the camping trip instead of canceling it. That was a really great idea. Sounds like a good plan to me.

Denise said...

Wow, you got a lot of comments about this one! Your plan sounds good.
I have found it to be a bad thing to borrow from family. Once I borrowed from my older sister, then everything I bought, she questioned. I could have been paying her back instead of having lunch out! Even though I had told her that I would pay her with my tax return! She still questioned everything!
Now, go help me with my thing at my site.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you worked things out. You'll enjoy your camping trip even more, without the loan hanging over your heads. Hang in there!

Tori said...

My dearest Jodi
Never a borrower from your parents be....
I learnt this the hard way too. They lent us money for our first remodel and Dad fought over every penny. Then we got the little comments... "Oh, I never said yas to wainstcotting" etc
It was an error as it has left us beholden to them. We will not do it again. There is too much guilt surrounding money and parents - they just don't mix. Having said that, desperate times call for desperate measures. When they offer, you should suck it up and accept. You mom was right to feel miffed about the camping. You didn't need to tell her about it just after they lent you the money, you should of held off. Parents will get their jabs in when they can you know.
Just zip it up, be frugal as hell, stick to your bubget and show the parents you can be responsible... (I know you are, but they, like my parents, just cannot understand why you are in this situation and things have got so out of hand......Control freaks!!!!!!!)
We are the king and queen of bad financing choices so we are always there for a shoulder to cry on...
Just don't ask us for advice - when we get any - we'll let you in on it!!!!
Camping holidays will abound soon enough.... be patient!
Love ya
PS McDonald's is bad for you anyway...

Peepshow said...

OK, I just spent a LONG time reading everyone's comments and suggestions to this quandry and I wholly agree with all....
1) borrowing money sucks, it's humiliating.... but I have done it TONS
2) camping is just CAMPING! It's not like you are going on a cruise or something.....
3) are you sure your mom was speaking for your DAD, or was she speaking for herself????? Has your dad said anything about it?
4) just think how fun it will be when you FINALLY go camping on your own dime! You guys will enjoy it all that much more!!!! :)
5) McDonalds is not good for ANYONE, but their chicken nuggets are the BOMB! :)