Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Tin foil hats and Sybil

Well, greetings and salutations to 2007 and fellow bloggers. How's things? I have been stewing and stewing on a new post for '07 and haven't came up with much. *sigh* So I have decided to just do some random thoughts instead, how does that sound? Yeah, like you can really object at this point. *evil squeals of laughter here*

  • We went to Jeff & Candace's way up in the land of cattle and sage brush. We had an EXCELLENT time, of course. They are such awesome hosts. They really are. If you are ever in Hicksville, CA be sure to stop by, I bet they'll make you feel right at home. AND, we didn't lose not one child this time. We called that a raging success.
  • I tried Jello shots for the first time in my life. I like them. Yummy. Although, I must admit, I don't think I will be eating any more lime jello anytime soon. *cough, cough*
  • We had my nephew, C, with us. He stayed with us for the week between Christmas and New Year's. He is 6, two weeks younger than Connor, and such a sweet little guy. He totally reminds me of Dori on "Finding Nemo". So funny, very ditzy and sweet. I don't think he has the best home life with my brother & SIL. So, I am glad he's kinda spacey, maybe he doesn't realize that his parents are majorly unhappy and on the brink of divorce and that my brother may or may not be sleeping with is 20-year-old hotter than hot neighbor? I said maybe....
  • My mom sat me down and had a very serious conversion with me. She informed me that crazydruggiesister has multiple personalities, T has been officially diagnosed. One of the personalities told crazydruggiessister's therapist she has been under wraps for 7 years and she was getting damn sick of that and wasn't going back in anytime soon if she could help it. Oh My, we have our very own Sybil. My Mom was all shocked and mournful about the whole thing. I don't blame her, it's very very very very sad. However, we have known this as a family for YEARS, I don't know why it shook my Mom up so much. She of course is worried about K., as am I, however K. knows she could come back to my Mom's anytime and so far seems happy as a little lark where she is. I keep reminding my Mom that K is old enough now, she's 15, to make decisions about what kind of a life she wants to have and we can't force her to make good decisions. It's like trying to push water uphill. It is VERY sad and such a waste, but I tend to be more philosophical about it to help keep me sane. Okay, well maybe not sane, but at least not wandering down the street with a tinfoil hat muttering that the aliens stole my socks again.
  • I came to a shocking conclusion yesterday. I am a VERY serious minded and opinionated individual. I seem to put my foot in my mouth about 12x per hour. Now, I have got to figure out how to tame this strong personality of mine. I am thinking of investing in a muzzle or a shock caller. Beyond that I don't know what to do. I would LOVE to be the kind of person who could keep her opinions to herself. I know somebody like that. Everybody loves Jill because she never says what she thinks, even if pressed, so everybody assumes she agrees with them. I want to be like her when I grow up. I am thinking it's a pipe dream, but maybe I'll get a violent hit in the head since I can never seem to keep my damn opinions to myself and wake up with a brand new shiny personality. I want to be southern belle. I really do. *sigh* It could happen, right?!?!


yerdoingitwrong said...

Having been a jello shot fan for many years I am so glad that you have discovered them!!! =) I also tend to put my foot in my mouth ALL OF THE TIME so I can relate. Warning: massive consumption of jello shots can worsen that condition.

Undercover Angel said...

Jello shots are awesome!

I'm sorry about your sister's diagnosis. Even though your family always suspected, I can understand why your mother is shaken up. Before then it was just a suspicion, now it's concrete documented fact. There is a girl with MPD named Cat who has a blog about living with multiple personalities. I don't know if it will help you at all, but the URL is

Pendullum said...

Welcome back...
Jello Shots???
Ohhh my....

Never deny yourself who you are...
Nothing wrong with stating an opinion...
Stay true to yourself...

Happy New Year Jodi...

Sugar said...

You know what Jello is made out of, right? Have you not read my jello post?! Good God!!

Bonnie B said...

BE YOURSELF-- didn't we have this discussion last year? Southern Belles are so BORING. I know I grew up as one-- very boring. It is much better-- and it's also very freeing-- to just speak your mind and risk eating a rubber sole and a mixure of weeds, gravel and dirt-- besides don't you think you'll explode from holding all your thoughts inside-- thenb YOU'LL be the one in the funny chair-- I don't want that-- BTW-- glad to have you back!

Greg said...

Happy New Year!

but Momma said...

Happy New Year!

It would take a jello shot or two to get me to speak my mind freely. Being able to do it without the shot is much more healthy!

Molly said...

I too have to speak my mind and unfortunately for everyone else, I always believe I am right. However, after years of fighting with people about being right, I decided at some point just to let it go. I will say "oh, maybe you are right" but secretly in my head I am thinking "you are so wrong and I am absolutely right!". This worked for a while until I happened to tell a friend this and now every time I say "oh, maybe you are right" she totally calls me out on it!

Tom Bailey said...

It is interesting watching people drink Jello shots. I think they are mostly a female thing. I like your blog this is my fist visit.

karen! said...

I tend to be the quiet one, because if I talk, I'm afraid I will say something stupid! Sometimes I say stupid things, sometimes I say funny things. Sometimes I say nothing, because I play it in my head first, and then the moment has passed and it would be too late to say it by then.
Just be sure to let K know that she has choices.

Kristin said...

Like Molly, I gave up on the banging my head against the wall for sport..

Instead, I do more jell-o shots.

CT Yankee's Belle said...

I am very happy to be a Southern Belle and I can tell you as a practice we do not keep our opinions to ourselves we just make sure to give to people very politey, with a nice smile and bless you little heart at the end. Southern Belles are full of opinions and proud of them. So if you ask for them you are sure to get them. So there you go and Bless your Heart.

Just keep loving that neice, hopefully she will come around, and be sure to watch for symptoms in her too.

The Yankee's Belle

Loriann said...

I'm sorry and glad in a way to hear that you sister has been diagnosed with multiple personality disorder. Now, hopefully, she will get the treatment and medication that will truly help her. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.