Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Say what?

"Yes, baby...."I said nervously, wondering again why he was watching the Grammy's with me. This should be rated TV-14.
"That lady, what's her name?, must be very aflacetic".
"Honey, her name is Shakira, and do you mean athletic?"
"No, Mooooommmmmm~insert eye roll and annoyance here~I mean AFLACETIC, you know like the Aflac duck? Because if Shakira keeps shaking around like that she's gonna hurt herself just the Aflac duck keeps talking about.....Geez, look at her GO!"
Me, not even attempting to hide my laughter, "You're right, if she keeps shaking like that, she is going to hurt herself!"


"Yes, Trent", I said as I observed my son with his tongue hanging out watching dear Christina writhing all over the stage.

"She must use a LOT of bleach to get her outfit and her hair sooooo white".

Me, stifling a giggle, "Yes, Trent you're right, she must use a LOT of bleach!". Thank Goodness he didn't ask me one of the other hundred questions I had screaming through my mind, such as how can such a tiny person support such big boobs that stay in one place as she is rolling around on the ground?

Yes, watching the Grammy's with my almost 9-year-old son is an adventure, he makes me laugh. His perspective is so cute and innocent, I love it!

And on to other news:
Chad's surgery is tomorrow. I will try and post very soon to let you all know how it went and how brave ~~cough, cough, pathetic~~he's being. When he went to the doc today, they signed his disability until May 15! I am very excited he's going to be a house husband for a while. Maybe he should start a blog and detail his adventures for the Internet. Now, that, dear Internet would be hilarious.

My niece, K, is here. VS is driving me batty, yeah, I know like that's news. Stay tuned for more on that, i am SURE. My Mom has temporary guardianship for 60 days. T is supposed to be going back into the hospital, I hope she really is there. My Mom seen her when they went back down to go to court. Mom said T looks sooooooo bad, she is sickly skinny and just sits and mumbles to herself a lot. It's very sad. T called me the other day and asked for my address because she would like to write me letters. It was one of her very sweet personalities and it was enough to move me to tears.

My Dad is layed off work for the winter, so he's transforming my third bedroom into a laundry room! I am so excited. It will be a huge improvement. And the biggest advantage, I will no longer have a empty bedroom for wayward relatives of mine to lay claim too. Hallelujah! And, that is something to rejoice about.


wayabetty said...

That's hilarious about Trent's comments! My kids are still too young to watch my shows with me for a looong time, thank goodness!!

And good luck with Chad's surgery!

yerdoingitwrong said...

How very cool of your dad!

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Wes said...

Good luck to Chad for the surgery, and the Grammy's rocked this year because an Aussie band won one! Wolfmother rocked out!!!

Crimson said...

You need a murphy bed! =)

Love Trent's narration of the Grammy's. Priceless.

Kristin said...

I spent Grammy night in Colorado getting text messages from drunk friends that were at the awards themselves... I would have rather been partying with Trent!

Tori said...

Hey my love - I'm back and thanks for stopping by...

Your son is hilarious. My girls get things right on when it comes to the celebs. I mean what can you tell them about Britney who went in then out then in then out of rehab....because it just wasn't working for her!

Hang in there with your guests... how is your job by the way?

Bonnie B said...

All I can say is I wish I looked liek Shakira-- so unfair, so unfair. If I moved like that, there would be injuries in the audience

Bonnie B said...

I don't know if this went through, but here it is again.

All I can say is "I wish I had a body like Shakira becaus eif I moved like that there would be injuries int he audience.

Love the kidspeak.
How is Chad?