Sunday, July 08, 2007

Greetings from 503 Smallishtown

Hello all! Did you miss me? Is anyone there? Tap, tap, is this thing on?

So, we're here. Semi moved in. We have about 90% of the boxes unpacked. Candace is coming down next weekend, I hope, to help me hang my pretties and what not. I think this house is going to be okay. We are infested with flies, Candace tells me it's our welcome to the desert. Lovely. If anyone knows a good way to get rid of flies and weird little flying bugs that come out at night, please let me know. I think we need to get one of those fly zapper machine things.

Our move here was, well, eventful. A normal 3 hour trip took us 9 (!) hours because a train derailed and closed the highway we needed to travel on. It was drama. However, I have to add that my Dad told us about an alternate route that we took and it was a BEAUTIFUL drive. All my years living in N.California and I had never been on that road. It was absolutely breathtaking. It almost made the 9 hour detour worth it. I will definitely take that route next time I go home. Vegan Sister and K followed us up here and helped Chad get the U-Haul unloaded. I am a wimp with a bad knee and am not much help. We have deduced that we need to make a hell of a lot more friends before our next move!! Big strong strapping men to be precise. If we don't succeed at that we are just going to burn everything and take our kids and pictures and that's it!

I started my new job on Monday. Wow. It's going to be something else. It's going to be very very busy. At my old job I used to have slow times when I could read or maybe even write a letter in between calls. This job? No, never, it's kind of overwhelming. I have a gazillion job duties. I don't think I am going to be bored, that's for sure. I feel completely and totally incompetent. And my boss is not very patient. She has a million and 3 things going on herself and doesn't want to show me how to do anything more than once. *gulp* Overwhelming, very overwhelming. I feel incredibly confused. Don't you just love starting a new job?

In my little division of the office, aptly named Fiscal, there are 5 of us. I like my co-workers. They are all very nice. Even my boss, even though she's a little tiny bit of a control freak. It could be way worse though. Hopefully I will find my stride soon and all will be okay!

And guess who's going to Las Vegas with her boss in August for a conference? Yep, me! And that means I have to fly. UGH. I do not enjoy flying, at all. But, I am excited to go to Vegas. I haven't been there in years and I hope I have time to see some of the casinos. I don't gamble but would like to see New York New York and that fancy one that looks like Paris. The Blagio? Or something like that. My Mom and Grandma are going to come up and help out with the kids when I am gone. Lucky Chad, he's going to have SOOOO much fun! (hahaha)

I will post some pictures once we get everything up and look like we are NOT a campground for a bunch of homeless people who have an odd assortment of c-r-a-p.


Pendullum said...

Looking forward to reading more of your adventures...

Molly said...

Congratulations on being sort of moved in. Now, with this lovely heatwave we are having, aren't you glad you have a/c? What? No a/c? Oh the horrors!!! Hate to say it but I told you so! Get swamp coolers - in every room!

Flies = gross! There is something you can buy on the internet called Kleen-Free Naturally which I love, and will kills the flies but won't stop them coming back unfortunately. It will also kill lots of other horrid creepy crawlies too and is safe for the kids. Listen to me, I sound like an infomercial!

As far as impatient boss lady goes, if she carries on make sure you remind her that you are new and while normally you know everything(!), you need a few more weeks to get to grips with everything. You will get there, worry not!

When you are settled in and not so busy with work, we will have to meet for lunch in the town that is in the middle of our two towns (sorry other people who maybe confused by this but we are such fabulous people we have to keep our location a secret!).

Ann(ie) said...

YAY....You're back. I've been impatiently waiting for an update. Pics, please. And it's gonna be hot in VEGAS, girl but WOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO! Can I come? Say yes.

karen! said...

The Bellagio is near the Paris one. I stayed at the Bellagio one time when I won a trip from the radio! I KNOW! How great was that! Much!
Welcome to your new home. Hope you get rid of the flies soon.

wayabetty said...

Congrats on your new crib! And 9 hours?!! Oh my goodness! I'm sure you're glad it's over though. I don't mind packing but not the unpacking part.

Good luck with your new job. I don't like starting a new job either but I'm sure you'll do just fine Jodi!!