Saturday, August 11, 2007

I must be crazy

After all my pissing and moaning and carrying on, I ended up having a pretty good week actually. After Monday everybody cheered up, more or less, and I had a fine week. So, I haven't quit and I have decided to go to Las Vegas. Chad really thinks I should go, my Dad said if I don't sign anything that says I'll pay back the trip if I quit within less than year legally they can't make me pay it. No, he's not a lawyer, but he's a logger and they know about these things, don't they? Am I glutton for punishment? I never have known when it's time to leave a bad party and end up staying way too long and regretting it later....

So, now that I have decided to go I am stressing about flying. I really hate to fly. The good thing is the flight is only a little over an hour. That's tolerable. I went on Southwest's website and read all their policies about "Customers of size". Their rule says if you can put down the armrest and sit in the seat then you only have to buy one seat like a normal person. I went on another website that said the seats were 17 inches so I had Chad measure that for me and I think I will be okay. It still makes me very nervous though. Southwest has a policy that if you are a person of size and buy 2 tickets and the flight isn't full then you can get your money back for the extra ticket. If we have any extra money between now and then I may call Southwest and buy myself an extra ticket just so I don't have to stress about it. I am not that worried about our flight over, it's on a Wednesday afternoon, but our flight back is on a Friday night at 6:30 and I am thinking it's going to be FUUUUUUULLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. Overbooked perhaps. If I can get up enough courage I may ask Boss Lady if I can use the company credit card to purchase myself another seat, and if I need it and the flight is way full on the way home and we end up having to pay for it they can take it out of my check. Hmmmm, I will have to contemplate that. Golly, I am so glad I am fat. *sigh* Somehow the fact that I am witty, amazingly charming, and have a great sense of humor doesn't help me out here. Bastards.

And we are staying at the Flamingo which is very close to the hotels that I want to see. That is very exciting. Once I get on the plane and off the plane I am going to feel very happy and everything after that will be a breeze.

Did I tell you that a little tiny baby kitten was dumped in our back yard? Yes, Bella has been here for a little over two weeks. We think (s)he was about 4 or 5 weeks old and somebody just dumped her here. She looked a lot like a rat when she first arrived. She is looking more like a baby cat everyday though. Vegan Sister came up last weekend and said she thinks Bella is a boy. I think she might be right. So if Bella is a boy then he'll be Mario or Luigi. I still call him Bella though. He is so funny. Bella/Mario has decided he loves Chad's chair and crawls up there and sleeps all day. He gets very grouchy if anybody tries to share the seat with her/him. It's too funny. Chad hates animal's so that makes it even funnier. We went and bought him a kitty bottle and kitten formula and the whole nine yards. Thank Gawd cats sleep a lot.

One of my very good friends, Rebel, has been trying to have a baby for YEARS. She can't get pregnant due to endometrios. Poor thing. Reb and Darren went through the State's foster care program. About 2 weeks ago they got the call they were praying and were asked to care for a brand new baby boy. He was brand new and they picked him up from the hospital! He was only 3 days old when Rebel got to take him home. Rebel met with the birth mother and she signed away her parental rights and everything. So, it looks like the adoption is going to be smooth sailing. I am so happy for her. She is going to be an amazing Mom. I can't wait to meet him. I think they named him Dean and a middle name of something with a J, and will call him DJ for short, which is too cute. I am very happy for her. Maybe I'll buy him some cheesy onesie or something when I am in Vegas.

If you have any airplane traveling tips for me, please share. And send me skinny thoughts or send Southwest fat thoughts, or something.


Ann(ie) said...

I'm choosing to send Southwest some thoughts. And they aren't nice ones thankyouverymuch!! That's a gay rule!

I'm proud of you, girl. Good for you for being so strong!! A she-devil boss is not easy and you are handling it all like a champ!! I cannot wait to hear how Vegas is. I'm glad you get a getaway. And your logger father doles out great advice...what's his retainer??? =)

YAY for rebel!! That's great news for your friend....what a blessing!

Post Pics of Bella/Mario puleez.


Molly said...

I think you are far too hard on yourself and you will be fine with Southwest. If not, tell them you have a mate from England who is as 'ard as nails and will pay them a visit (you will be going to my airport, no?)!!

I am proud of you for the way you have handled yourself and it is boss lady who should be ashamed of herself. Maybe on your trip she will realize what a wonderful person you are!

Her Bad Mother said...

Tips? Just a nip of liquor. not toop much, not too little. Enough to calm you down. Then, think happy thoughts about how riding in a car is more dangerous than flying in an airplane.

Feel better?

Wes said...

Well now you've made the decision to stay and go to LV, I think the flight couldn't be any more dramatic could it?! LOL. Riding a car is more dangerous statistically. You'll be fine, and think of all those sights you're going to see.

Ann(ie) said...

When is Vegas? Are you back??? I'm retarded. I forgot. I'm needing some detail and pretty darn quick....hook a sistah up!


Yer impatient blogger pal

Pollyanna said...


I leave tomorrow. EEK! I am so scared and nervous. Thanks for asking. I will blog the second I get home!!!!

Molly said...

Try and have fun in Vegas, even if you are going with the Wicked Witch of the West! Enjoy the water display at the Bellagio and have a martini for me!

Pollyanna said...

Done! I will have a good time if it kills me.

Bonnie B said...

Congrats to your friend-- I love babies.
Love kitties too.
Have fun in Vegas