Sunday, June 24, 2007

The tale of two houses

We are 5 days from our actual moving day and counting. The mess has now taken over and I am seriously considering just walking away from everything that isn't boxed up and calling it good...
We found a rental on Wednesday in our new town. I should qualify that statement and say we found THE rental in our new town. It seems that rentals are hard to come by at this time of year. Who would have thunk it? I had been stalking out 2 houses in particular on our last 92 trips to Desert Town and really really liked one of them in particular. In my heart it was my house. When we arrived at the property management company on Wednesday we found out it had been rented the DAY before! The horror. The pain and the suffering, there was weeping and gnashing of teeth. We then looked at the list, there was exactly two houses on there that had more than one bedroom and were not an apartment. We bravely went to number one house on the list, HATED it. Went to the second house on the list. Didn't hate it AS bad, but it was odd. For example, you go into the front door and there is two closets side by side, that's the first thing you see when you walk in the front door. What the hell? And the kitchen is way way odd. It leaves you standing there going, HMMMMM, well that was one way to do it I guess....The house did have some really cute points that will make it livable too and I felt comfortable there. I knew our crappy belongings would fit in just perfect in this house and it would feel like home in no time.
Then we went to second property manager in town and looked at their ONE house that wasn't a duplex or an apartment. And it was BEAUTIFUL. So beautiful that angels sang and mother's wept. I could not picture myself living there. It was the most fancy house I have ever considered possibly living in. And only $200 more rent than the odd house. I couldn't imagine anything we own, including our selves, in that house. However, Chad was drooling and professing his love for beauty and fanciness. So we applied for it. It made me nauseous and weepy. I just couldn't imagine actually living there and ever feeling at ease or comfortable.
I was thinking of posting a link from the property managements web page so you could see what I was talking about, but I don't want the whole Internet to know where we are moving to, or for y'all to realize what white trailer trash we really are! If you are really dying to see my definition of pure opulence, email me and I'll send you the link.
And we applied for the crappy house and they accepted us right away. And were turned down on the spectator house because we are just starting new jobs and the house itself shuddered when we left. So, the crappy house it is. And I am glad. It will feel like home in no time, odd closets and all.
Chad said when we buy another house a couple few hundred years from now we will buy a beautiful house and we will have beautiful things to put in there. I totally believe him. *eye roll*
And on to other news not moving related. We had my nephew, Cameron, here for two weeks. He is exactly Connor's age. I LOVE that kid. He is so damn funny. He still reminds me of Dori from Finding Nemo, he has such a sweetness about him. Last weekend Chad took all 3 boys to "Fantastic Four" while I secretly threw away a bunch of their crap that they will never miss. Before they left Chad took off all the doorknobs and locks so that he could take everything to Lowe's and have one uniform lock for all the doors instead of 92 different keys like we did before. Cameron stood there watching Chad with a puzzled look on his face and says, " You know, when we moved we took all our furniture and clothes, but I'm pretty sure we left the doorknobs!".
CrazyDruggie sister is still in jail. Hallelujah and praise the Lord. One day last week she called me collect, of course, and then continued to curse me out because she had no money for smokes. I hung up on her. I haven't heard from her since. I have ascertained from the Orange County website that she is still in custody and that her bail has been revoked. I am grateful she is still in jail because I least know that she's safe, relatively speaking, and being cared for.
Friday was my last day at work. I was sad. Some of my coworkers had a little going away pot luck for me and it was sweet. I even got some presents! That was awesome. I have decided that Bath and Body=Heaven!
And in one week I start my new job, which totally doesn't make me feel anxious or panicky, AT ALL. Yeah, and I lie....Wednesday I went and did my drug test for the new job and my fingerprints. It was a little ominous. Everyone I met, with the exception of the drug test lady, were very nice and welcoming. However, there was a "sharps box" hung on the restroom wall of the casino, that's where I went for my fingerprints, well not the restroom per say, I meant the casino gaming office. I am going to assume that the casino caters to a lot of diabetic people and that's why they need a used syringe box mounted to the restroom wall! Denial table for one, please.
That's all folks. My next post will probably be from the crappy house. I will maybe take pictures for y'all even. Just be glad you don't live close enough so that we could rope you into helping us move. I don't know if anyone told you this or not, but moving SUCKS big time.


but Momma said...

Been there, sucked that.

Looking forward to seeing pics of the wierd house! :)

Good luck with the moving, I always think I'm totally packed and then when you go to put everything in the truck I'm all, "MAN! Look at all this stuff I haven't packed!"

Pollyanna said...

Yeah, as a kid we moved A LOT. And we named that mystery as "last-load-itis". You think you're done and think it's only one more load and then it turns into 12 loads! :)

Crimson said...

I am THE QUEEN of moving. 11 times in 9 years. I am NEVER moving again. Ever. Congrats. That fancy house didn't deserve you. =)

Tori said...

Hey you good luck with your move...

Hope the crappy house has AC

Maybe we'll come visit you in our trailer - just to show the world, we're trailer trash and proud of it!

Good luck too with the new job.

Pollyanna said...

Tori, no a/c! Can you believe it? We are moving to the boonies and everyone assures us we won't need a/c up there. I do NOT believe them. And you and yours are welcome to come visit in your trailer! That would really stand the neighborhood on notice, wouldn't it? Represent!

Molly said...

I just read "Some of my coworkers had a little going away pot" and I thought wow, those guys party, then I read the "luck" part afterwards!! Hehehe!

And yes, you will need a/c where you are going, don't believe all the lies!

Happy moving, talk to you soon.

Pollyanna said...

Molly, I figured as much about the A/C! The liars!!!!! They'll do anything to lure people to their overpriced rentals I guess. And hahahaha about the pot, that's funny.

Ann(ie) said...

Pics, puleez.

Like how I'm MIA and then come back all bossy????


But seriously, I'd like to see pics. =o)

wayabetty said...

I wish you luck with the move Jodi. Isn't there a saying like "a house is what you make of it."?

Your nephew is too funny. And good luck with the new job too.