Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Well, how do you like them apples?

So, apparently I am a loud talker and chat too much. There has been "complaints". I think the complaint came from my very quiet coworker who thinks nobody should talk ever, she is very proud of the fact she didn't talk for the first 3 weeks on the job. She also has her head so far up our supervisors ass that you can barely see her little neck. But, that's just me. Maybe the whole entire office of 110 employees hate me and just smile and are nice to my face while running and complaining about me to A or even worse Boss Lady.

I am trying VERY hard to stay positive about this revelation and remember that I am working on self improvement and not to let it get me down. Also, this is only a j-o-b and doesn't mean anything, right? But, damn, on the eve of my trip to Las Vegas was not good timing. *sigh* OHMYWORD, by the time I am done with this stupid ass job I am going to be an entirely different person. Maybe that won't be such a bad thing.

Never mind me, I will be the one who is silent in the corner making finger puppets and muttering to myself.


Butrfly Garden said...

Keep your chin up, Jodi!

When I was still rather new here, I got a talkin' to about being on the phone *all the time* - when both the women (vets, practically - they've been here over 20 years) are LITERALLY on their phones all day with friends and family.

If your office is anything like mine, the people are just threatened by a new person. People here HATE change and they bitch about it for a long time. Even though they needed me, the other girls who do my job tried to get me fired.

It seriously took over 2.5 years before I gained their respect. And it hasn't exactly been peaches and cream since then.

It IS just a job - but how you handle the crap they're throwing at you will reveal the real you to them...do you know what I'm talking about? If you get really upset, they'll know that they can push you around. If you just say "Sure." and then make an effort to not talk as much, you're going to appear much more agreeable and hopefully after a while (sometimes, sadly, a long while), they'll start treating you like one of 'them.'

Bonnie B said...

well i hope you have fun in Vegas because you totally deserve it. Are you going to any shows because you know I have suggestions. Anyway, Vegas can be a blast, but it can be expensive.
As for work, go in, punch the time clock, do what is required, don't talk to anyone, clock out and come home. It is all you can do becaus eit sounds like there is nothing you can do to make this woman happy (you could be blunt and just ask her-- Have I done something to offend you because I feel as though you don't particularly like me and I don't know why? Be polite, but be really blunt -- don't sweeten anything. Just get to the point and say you want to be a good employee, but you feel as though you can do nothing right-- well, maybe don't say it quite like that, but you get the picture).

Pollyanna said...

Thank you all for your kind comments. I appreciate them so much!!!

I am back from training in Vegas. For the most part it went much better than I ever expected. Even the flying. Even Boss Lady. More about that later. I gotta go get dressed so I can go pick up my kids from my Mom. I haven't seen them in 10 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I will post later. TTYL!

Ann(ie) said...

Cannot wait to hear about it all!! Bet you missed your kiddos, sugar.

xo and happy weekend!!