Sunday, September 24, 2006

I finished cleaning up K's room yesterday...

CrazyDruggie and daughter

Yesterday I finished cleaning up K's old room, which has now been dubbed "the clubhouse" by the boys. {My friend, Candace, and her family are coming next weekend and I need to get the room ready, I am attempting to make believe I have a guest room and I'm good at having company!} I found these pictures in some of her stuff and decided to post them. Well, you knew that part, huh? I am a brilliant at stating the obvious, do I really think you'd be looking at these pictures and wondering if I decided to post them? Good Lord... **if you don't see any pictures please see post immediately following this one, Blogger is super duper screwing with me.

K is the one on the top, she is a very pretty girl. T, aka crazydruggie sister, is the one on the bottom. T is actually much prettier in real life. However, I like this picture because this is what she looks like when "LaTisha" is in control. LaTisha is what my family calls her alter ego who is a mean, asskicking, angry Black woman. Yes, smart ass I realize we are very white, however nobody seemed to inform LaTisha of that very small matter. She THINKS she's Black and that's all that counts I suppose. Isn't attitude 9/10's of the point anyway? When T gets this look on her face you know you better seek cover and quick because what follows is NOT going to be pretty my friend.

K and Crazydruggie sister are living in a drug induced haze as we speak. T had a dirty drug test but didn't get sent to jail, surprise surprise. She just got sent to more drug classes and whatnot. K is skipping school, flirting with the possibility that she will have to go back to juvvy. It's a mess. K has not called us ONCE since she went back to her Mom's. My Mom has talked to T a few times, but nobody has called here, Thank God.
I worry every day that Crazydruggiesister is finally going to push it too far and kill herself. Or that K is going to do something incredibly stupid and get herself killed. *sigh* Loving out of control people who are also mentally ill, stubborn, have a flair for the dramatic, and are addicted to drugs is one painful proposition. I am just thankful they live 10 hours away and it's not in my face everyday. I find some solace in being able to pretend I don't have any family members who could show up on a COPS episode at any given time or on the evening news for that matter. *sigh*


Babaloo said...

Wow, they sure are messed up pair. So sad. All that potential wasted. Sigh. I'm glad you are out of their situation too, for the most part. No phone calls sounds good, considering.

Bonnie B said...

Well it's fun to see the cast of As the stomach turns