Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Do not be fooled by this face!

Do NOT, I repeat do NOT trust this child should you lay your eyes on him. Do not be taken in by his sweet smile and shy demeanor. It is a trick, a ploy, a way to draw you into his devilish little web. He was the most horribly acting child on Monday when he was with my Mom. Absolute holy terror. He was being such a monster my Mom actually took him to Chad's work to have Chad try and talk some sense into him. He had no remorse whatsoever. Chad's threatening his young life barely made him behave like a somewhat domesticated 5-year-old. I think once I picked the kids up, my Mom went home and drank a gallon of wine and wondered how in the hell she got roped in to taking care of my kids while I work? Needless to say, he is grounded off the computer for the rest of his life.

So, guess who started throwing up at school on Tuesday? That's right, the Devil man himself, Connor Issac. He was getting the flu that Trent had I guess. {I know it wasn't the flu shot, 'cuz Connor hasn't even had his flu shot yet. He was suppose to get it today, but since he was puking I thought we'll put it off a few weeks. And Candace's kids have had the exact same symptoms and they haven't had their flu shots either. } *sigh* Why do kids act like such monster's when they are getting sick? Does anybody know? Is there a scientific explanation for it? OY!

Thanks for all your well wishes for Trent. He is 100% back to normal. He hasn't hurled since Friday. My Mom thought maybe he wasn't getting enough calories, so we bought some SlimFast in the cans, my kids LOVE SlimFast I know they're odd. He literally drank 5 on Saturday and perked right up. He must have had the worst case of the flu. His appetite is back in full force and he's his very energetic, never shuts up, little self. Thank goodness! I wouldn't have it any other way.


Cristina said...

Sorry I missed your last post so I wasn't much help to ya! Glad to hear Trent is better now. Who knew Slim Fast would be such a miracle cure!

CP said...

Glad Trent is better. Slimfast is better for sick kids than it is for us thick chicks for sure! *L*


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear Trent is feeling so much better. It really stinks to have the flu. And yes, I stinks too that kids get so cranky when they are getting sick. Men are the same too, only worse. At least be thankful you husband hasn't gotten sick yet. I'll keep my fingers crossed that he doesn't. Well wishes to Conner (and you too).

socialworker/frustrated mom said...

Just like my 5 year old daughter with the most angelic face, and she is fooling you lol.

Anonymous said...

Men. Young or old, it's always the cute ones that are trouble.

Kristin said...

You have to watch out for the innocent looking ones!