Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Test anxiety

Yeah, this is me, see picture above. I have major test anxiety. I have anxiety period. ~Do you realize how many of my posts revolve around my anxiety? It's ridiculous really. I'm telling you, I am just one step away from the loony bin.~ Today my patience ran out and I called the courthouse in which I applied for that job, you know the job you all very wisely encouraged me to apply for? I wanted to know when they would be holding interviews and when I could accept a call back? Harried-lady-who-answered-the-phone-at-human-resources said, "Whoa, there Nelly. You have to test before you get an interview and we are planning on calling and scheduling testing in a few weeks". Gulp. Okay. Has anyone out there in blog land ever taken a test for a County job? What do they test you on, do you know? Is there somewhere I could go on the web to practice? Is it like a DMV test? Will I need to know the proper ways to address a judge or know how many feet I need to stay from the Bench? EEK. Chad reminded me that I took a really hard test to get the job I have now, which is true, and I did fine. How much harder could this test be I wonder? Pre-employment tests are just the pits, no matter how you slice it.
Chad talked to the Dean at the college today. He is scheduled to teach at least two classes, and two more classes for the fall semester! WOO-HOO! Chad is scheduled to go up there on May 16th to speak with the Dean and meet the other instructors. They are also sending him a packet to get a lot of pre-employment what not out of the way. We are just so glad we know that much more about the new job. It's very exciting and nerve wracking all at the same time.
Chad also is scheduled for surgery on May 2 for his wrist. His foot is feeling much better so we are going to fix his upper extremities now. The poor guy. He has been going to the Doctor non-stop for the last 3 months, and that is just not fun, I don't care who you are.
No new news on my Grandma. She is still feeling horribly and behaving even worse. Grandma went to the Doctor today and told her that my Mom has been forcing her to stay at home when we go places, even though Grandma feels "fine". And that is a BLATANT lie, obviously. She has been very sick and has been sleeping all day which is so not like her. K had a play this last weekend and we invited her to go to both performances, but she opted out because she felt so bad. Then she went and told the Doctor she wasn't invited and we just left her home "all alone". OY. She also has a preliminary diagnosis of Alzheimer's. I think that may have something to do with her bad behavior, don't you? Well, and the fact that she's not a nice person, she hasn't even played one on TV. My poor Mom, I don't know how long she will be able to care for someone who is so ungrateful, sour, and hard to deal with. I'd say Grandma is on borrowed time as far as having a full time caregiver goes.
And so life marches on. Now that I know I may not be a call center worker for the rest of my working life I am just tired of my job. It feels tedious. I have GOT to get my head back in the game in case I don't get this new job. I mentally flip off my supervisor at least once a day. Every time she "critiques" me I mentally flip her off over and over in my head. I may be stuck where I am for a whole other year, so I have just got to be content for the time being. I should make myself a poster and hang in my cubicle that says something to the effect that this job may be getting on my last nerve, but it's the best job I've ever had and I just need to suck it up. Do you think that would be a tad too obvious?
Oh and Mom talked to crazydruggiesister today. This week she either has to a) get into residential drug treatment or b) go to jail. She also got rejected for SSI. Good Lawd, that girl cannot keep a job or her sobriety to save her soul. I don't know who did the evaluation, or who showed up for the evaluation, but that is a huge miscarriage of business. She qualifies for disability more than anybody I know or have heard about. I do believe the system may be a tad bit broken.
And so this is my anxiety ridden world. Welcome to it.


Molly said...

I have tested for both the county and the state and I scored better on the county one than I did the state. The county one related specifically to the job I was applying for, like what would you do in this situation blah blah blah. Then a lot of the other questions are really common sense ones, kind of like an aptitude test. And I think basically they just need to make sure that you understand and can read and write the English language. You will ace the test, worry not! So far it looks like everything is just falling into place so I think it was all meant to be. You will get the job, I bet you a cup of coffee and maybe a spot of lunch in that town not far from both of us when you officially move!

sweatpantsmom said...

Good luck on the test! (And with your husband's surgery.)

Denise said...

Good luck with everything!
My hubby is pi$$ing me off again. Just to let you know.
YOur test shouldn't be too hard probably.

Cristina said...

Hi Jodi!
Sounds like you have lots of stuff going on! It's never boring though is it? :)

Re. the test, I haven't taken county tests, but I have taken state tests and it will totally depend on the type of job you are applying for. I took an analyst test and it was questions on basic math and reading comprehension. What kind of job are you applying for?

yerdoingitwrong said...

I have a close friend that works for King County and has for years. Molly probably answered you questions well, but if you want me to ask her what you're in for I'd be happy to.

You have every right to be anxiety ridden, girl. That's a lot going on. I wish you lived closer. I'd drag you out for girls night!!!

Pendullum said...

You are going to do fine on the test....

Your poor mother...
and good on Chad...
This is such an exciting chapter of your life Jodi... It is all going to work out...

Ashley Lasbury said...

The test will be a peice of cake. You'll pass standing on your head with one hand tied behind your back.

Hey, Jodi, thanks for still reading me even though I don't make it over here very often any more. You rock.

yerdoingitwrong said...

dangit. I'm no help whatsoever. Val emailed back and said she has no idea what the tests are like these days. She tried to check online, but had no luck. ugh. I'm sorry, girlie. I was hoping to be able to give you some sort of heads up. I know you'll do SO WELL. Please let us know how it goes!!!!
your lame blogger pal