Sunday, May 20, 2007

What the hell????

I got this comment on my blog today,

"I would say that the sub-title to your blog is a very detailed, revealing explanation of "why do my children drive me crazy?". If they are being subjected to that kind of a person/mom figure every day...if that is their role-model in life?? It's pretty clear you're reapin' what you sow, Momma! So the question is -- are you just trying to be funny here, or is this a pretty good description of you? Go ahead and read this and delete it. Seriously. But I hope you'll think about it a little, too. Bonnie B. "

WTF???????? Who is Bonnie B? And why does she think that I need advice about why my kids are driving me crazy. They are kids. And that is their job in life, I am quite certain. And tell me, Bonnie B. where is the link to your blog? I want to go on there and make comments about YOUR personality and parenting style too. I did NOT need this today. Didn't your mother ever tell you if you can't say something nice to not say anything at all?

This is MY blog and if I want to be a complicated jumble of contradictions I will be. And my kids are just fine. So shut it Bonnie B whoever in the hell you may be. That's probably not even your real name....

OHHH, I think Bonnie B may be a troll. I gotta say, I'm not liking trolls......


Butrfly Garden said...

"complicated jumble of contradictions"

Isn't that what all women are? Isn't that what makes women so versatile and resiliant?

Trolls suck. So do "know-it-alls."

People who pop in to leave NICE comments? They are AWESOME. As are you, Jodi. Thanks for yours!

Molly said...

Don't you just love it when people come out with these things and then don't let you go to their blog like she did? What a coward! This is your space, you can be who you like and it is not for us or Bitchy Bonnie to judge. Be yourself and we know that you and your kids are just fine!

Crimson said...

Someone pissed in her Wheaties, don't sweat it. Bonnie is just jealous that you are an airhead. =)

karen! said...

YEah!! You sound just like me. And like lots of people that I know. NO worries. Bonnie B must be perfect. Maybe we can all aspire to be like her. Because perfect people always leave negative comments! Wish I could be perfect too! (sarcasm noted)

Bonnie B said...

Just for the record I am not the Bonnie B who wrote that post. I would hate for people to think it was me.

Some Random Girl said...

ah, remember my troll? good times!