Friday, May 25, 2007

It's a'right

Please bear with me dear one. I have a few important matters I need to update you on. Therefore, this post may be kinda longish. Feel free to just skim if you wish.

Who is that attractive young lady you are staring at, wondering if she's missing teeth or what? Well, its crazy druggie sister. She is not looking good, at all. She looks horrible. This picture is about a month old. I have another picture of her, that I can't find, where you can really see the wrinkles around her eyes, she looks soooooo bad. She used to be such a pretty girl. And she's in jail. She's been calling me collect. Every day. Complaining about awful it is in jail. I in turn keep reminding her that is the purpose of jail, they don't want you to come back. I also told her that she needs to stop smoking crack and then she won't have to go back to the poky. "I was NOT doing crack, I was doing METH!", she says as if I had insulated her by insinuating that she was doing a white trailer trash drug and not something classy like METH. Good Lawd. It makes me sooo proud I tell you. She'll be on Cops you just wait and see.

It is of the utmost importance that I reveal to you that indeed I did NOT get the job I interviewed for, the job I wanted so bad working in the court that it made my teeth hurt. That job. You know what though? It's okay. I had a whole week to get myself used to the idea, I knew the second I walked out of that interview that I had blown it. Badly. And that I wouldn't be getting the job. *sigh* I have applied for 2 more jobs and am just waiting for word back if the would like me to interview or not. I am okay with the whole thing. I really am. It's sad, and I know I would have kicked ass at that job, if I had just done well at the interview. And I did my best. What else can you do? And at least I have a job now that I do well at, so I know that I am employable, I just need to find the right employer I suppose.

As a result of this most unfortunate news we have reverted back to plan B. That plan being the one where Chad just commutes for the time being and we will move if and when I get a job. The boys and I will just stay here, I will stay at my current job, and keep applying for anything that looks at all likely up in our new town. This will give Chad a chance to be sure that he's going to like his new job and that it's worth relocating our whole life for.

However, I must add this news was softened by the fact I had a fabulous day just one day prior to get this news. I was told by a stranger that I was beautiful-long story-, three people at work told me I was cute, AND I received the following note from my Legal Research professor along with my grade for the class, which was the highest number of points that was possible for the class:

"Dear Jodi, Thank you for participating in my Legal research class. I enjoyed our conversations and really appreciated your outstanding work! As a matter of fact, your final paper will be the standard by which others will be judged. You are a very thoughtful, bright, skillful, talented lady and I am certain that you will succeed in life."

Isn't that the sweetest note? He thinks my brain is sexy.....the note made me very happy!

And so this seems like a good time as any to tell you about the obnoxious lady in my Legal Research class and my criminal law class and after you read the story you'll understand why it makes my professor's note that much sweeter......Imagine this if you will. A semi attractive lady, exactly my age, who has a very nice figure. We'll call her PB (for perky boobs, that I am quite certain are NOT her own if you catch my drift) to protect her identity. About half way through the semester it became very evident that PB thought she was the bee's knees and that I was chopped liver. At every opportunity she liked to try and infer that she was sooooo smart and that I was a blithering idiot. She also told me that she and I quote, "Have a rocking body and didn't mind using it". As in, you're an ugly cow, Jodi, how in the heck do you get through life? Every week in class she would be bragging about how she was graduating with honors, telling everybody in class how smart she was, and just generally being obnoxious. Fast forward to our second exam in Criminal Law. We get our exams back, I have an "A", I mind my own business and look at my grade, grin inwardly, and am glad that once again I bamboozled the professor with my wordiness on the exam. When we had a break at class I sat there minding my own business and PB leans forward and says, "Jodi, what did you get on the exam?"

"This exam?" I say as I tap my exam with my forefinger.

"Yeah, what did YOU get?", PB asks with a smirk.

"Um, an "A", I answer...."

WHAT?!?!?!?!" PB's voice echos of the walls. "How in the hell did YOU get an A?" I got a "C!"

"Hmmmmm"...I respond, secretly gloating because apparently her rocking body doesn't give as big as an advantage as she had hoped. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

"No, seriously, how did you get an A, I don't get it", she screech's.

I don't know, beaoch, I studied? I'm smart, the professor can't stand perky blonds with fake blonds, I don't know. I thought all of this as I shrugged my shoulders and tried to suppress a giggle.

For the next 3 weeks in my Legal Research she whined and complained to anyone that would listen that it wasn't FAIR, she was an A student, she didn't get C's, NOT EVER. Our Criminal Law teacher had it out for her. She just couldn't understand how she got a C and I, me the fat one, got a A! I suggested she talk to our Criminal Law professor, from what I could tell she never did, she even complained to our Legal Research teacher about the test. He just looked at her with one eyebrow arched and suggested that she go and talk to the Criminal Law professor. She complained AGAIN about me getting an A. What the hell? As she left the room in a huff the teacher, the same one who wrote me the nice note, looked at me and said, "WOW, she's really threatened by you isn't she?" I agreed and said I didn't know what her deal was but it was a good thing we only had 3 weeks of class left because if she asked one more time how I got an A I was going to deck her!

I won't bore you with the rest of her insults or how PB was certain I was going to flunk the final in Legal Research because she had LOTS of friends who had taken that class and their papers didn't look anything like mine. Suffice it to say that the note from my Legal Research teacher made my day! Add to that people telling me I was cute and beautiful (which NEVER happens to me) in the same day and it made the blow of not getting my dream job the next day that much softner. Sometimes life gives you something good at just the right time. My awesome day of 2007 is one for the record books and I will recount it with a smile on my face as many times as I need to in order to make it through the bad awful sucky days!


Butrfly Garden said...

I'm sorry you didn't get the job. That really sucks. My mom recently interviewed and said she blew it - which sucked because it was the absolute perfect job for her and she was highly qualified. I realized after that, that maybe I should have suggested "practice interviews" - getting interviews at places you don't REALLY want just to practice and gain confidence. I interviewed so many times that by the last one, I was like "Screw it, I'm just going to go in there and be ME." and 3.5 years ago, I got hired.
Second, your sister. It's sad that this is funny, but when I used to call our old friends "crackheads" they would retaliate that "We're not crackheads! We're METHheads." The Man and I ended up losing all our friends and most of his family to the stuff.
THIRD (You write a long post, you get a long comment) - I've never seen you before, so I'm not going to come in here and tell you that you are not what you think. But standing with confidence and wearing a smile make you far more attractive than perky boobs. The only people who would go for the bitter "perky" girl over the confident happy girl are scummy and shallow. Friends included.

Okay, I AM sorry that was so long..
Hope you have a great weekend!!

Pendullum said...

And maybe with Sis???
Geez, I really have nothing...
I can not begin to imagine... Crack vs Meth...
Somehow I do not see her coming 'clean' and not ending up back in jail...
She is just doing time..
But you JODI!!!
You are and always will be A1 to me...
So sorry that you did not get the job... But something is waitingfor you... I just know it is...

Molly said...

Hurrah on the paper and nice note and boo on not getting the job, but I am glad you have such a good attitude about it and I think you are right, it will be smart for your hubby to commute to make sure that this is what all of you want. The right job will come along, I am sure of it, especially if you are that smart...and cute...and beautiful!!!

Loriann said...

Congrats on the wonderful, well earned results of your paper. To receive a compliment like that from a professor is truely awesome.

I'm sorry to hear about your sister. How sad it is that she almost seems proud of being on meth. I will pray for her and you just keep up what your doing. It's really the best thing for her until she realizes that she needs to make some changes in her life.

Also, I'm so sorry about not getting the job but I agree with the other posters in that there is another job out there for you that you will like even better.

Crimson said...

Bummer about the job! I'm so glad you are doing okay with will find the perfect thing, just watch. About your sister....well, you know MY story so I can definetely say I relate. Hang in there!

but Momma said...

Yeah! on the school work!

The right job will come along at just the right time!

yerdoingitwrong said...

I'm so sorry about the job, girlie. =( That makes me sad. You would do an awesome job and it's their loss. I wish we could have do-over's in life b/c sometimes we are just not on our game at the important times in life. And for those days I just thank God for liquor.

PB sounds like a big mind. What an idiot. I'm wondering if she's related to the ever so brilliant Bonnie B?

That sucks about your sis. I have no doubt it's terribly draining. ugh. Family. Can't live with em. Can't kill em.

Those are my words of wisdom for tonight. hehe. Aren't you glad I popped by? And what a cool note from your teacher!!! I love teacher's like that. The ones that notice the gems!!!!


p.s. thanks for the sweet comment on my blog, darlin.

Wes said...

Sorry you didn't get the job, but you know what, you can just yell out "Next" like you've done, and move on!
Your professor see's the Real Jodi, and he's got it down pat. PB can just "suffer in her jocks", to use an Aussie colloqualism!

karen! said...

I didn't even skim through this story, I read the whole thing. It was a good story. I could just see miss PB. She wants to be an A student, so I think she pretends to be one and thinks it will just happen.
Hey, I had some people tell me I looked like I was in my 20's the other day, and that made my day too! We get those sometimes! Yay!

karen! said...

I didn't even skim through this story, I read the whole thing. It was a good story. I could just see miss PB. She wants to be an A student, so I think she pretends to be one and thinks it will just happen.
Hey, I had some people tell me I looked like I was in my 20's the other day, and that made my day too! We get those sometimes! Yay!

Bonnie B said...

Ok first off for the record I am not the Bonnie B who wrote that nasty comment.

I am Jodi's friend Bonnie and we occasionally go shoe shopping together.

Jodi, I am so sorry you didn't get that job, but you know what if you didn't click with those people, then they must be morons and you don't want to work with them anyway.

As for PB, what a "Be"- Witch. You should have asked her how much she charged for her "A's." You are beautiful, super smart and funny-- and you for the most part I think are happy with WHO you are (that is awesome so few people are content in their own skin). I know I could take a few lessons from you. I know I used to when we were in CJ together-- darn I miss those days! Why did I ever get sidetracked from the fun?

Well I think you are fantastic and that professor knew what he was talking about when he wrote that letter-- because you know what? I bet just about every professor you've had felt the same way about you when you were their student. You are understated and don't HAVE to shout "Look how smart I am" to get noticed. Plus, you don't gloat. You have the confidence to just BE smart-- and that is pretty smart.