Thursday, June 14, 2007


First things first. I am, it seems, not unemployable after all! I got a new job! Yippee. Thank you Angry Dad for the interview tips, I think that's what did it, truthfully. I begin my new position on July 2! So, things are now moving at a rather quick rate of speed. I sort of feel like I am riding down a huge hill on a bicycle and am going a little bit too fast to feel safe, but it's fun and exhilarating all at the same time. I will be a "accounting technician". I think it will be interesting and completely and totally different from what I am doing right now, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

I hate change but I am embracing this and hoping for the best. It's going to be a HUGE change for our family, but again, that may not be a bad thing necessarily.

And so now we begin of the arduous task of boxing up everything we own and trekking all our crap three hours away. That, my blogging peeps, I am not looking forward to. But, since we are not intermediately wealthy it's not like we can just torch this place and move on, although I have contemplated the possibilities, trust me! I am joking, of course. Gawd, wouldn't it be awful if our house REALLY did burn down and the insurance adjuster got a hold of this blog and I was charged with arson and they didn't pay off our mortgage? I shudder at the thought of it all! So, scratch that, EVEN if I was super duper rich I would NEVER burn down my own house with it's belongings inside just to get rid of all our crap.

I may not be around your blogs these next few weeks. But, it won't be because I don't love you. It will be because I can't find the computer amidst all the debris and clutter. *sigh*

Oh, and here's tip for you, if some random person you have met at let's say, work, not even necessarily in person, wants to have some kind of a "friendship" with you via email, don't do it. Ever. Even if this person flatters you and makes you feel awesome about yourself. Don't do it. Because, trust me on this, he will turn out to be a lying, useless piece of feces that you wish you could scrape off the bottom of your shoe and be move on. And you will be ashamed of yourself. And you will shudder every time you think about him and his coy little emails. And it's hideous and horrible. Not that I, MOI, would ever do something that stupid and asinine. *ahem* I'm just sayin'. I like to keep my blogging peeps happy and secure, so consider this a public service announcement. *as I clear my throat* Do NOT trust people that you meet online. Wait a cotton-pickin-minute you're all online aren't you? Wait, scratch that. *clears throat again* Do not trust people you have never met in person who want to flatter you and lavish attention on you and then talk inappropriate to you. Even if they tell you are beautiful and "yum-me". *cough, cough* Again, I am just sayin'. It ain't good and it's so not worth it in the end!

Okay, please excuse me. I need to go and hunt down some boxes and tape from the garage. Please don't forget about little ole me. Perhaps next time I post I will be in our new house surrounded by chaos and clutter! Yeah, I can't wait for that...


Molly said...

Congratulations, I knew you would do it. I think a celebratory (or however you spell it!) lunch is in order once you move....a little me! Hmm, I am online and you have never met me before, but I don't think I have ever said anything inappropriate to you!!!

Loriann said...

CONGRATS!!! Things are really looking up. Good luck with both the new job and the move and don't stay away too long.

yerdoingitwrong said...

YAY YOU!!!! =)


That rocks.

Moving sucks. Thinking of you, sugar!!

Pollyanna said...

Molly, I know EXACTLY. That's why I was having a hard time coming up with my PSA annocement because I can't say not to trust anyone you meet online, because well, you're all online and i can trust you. I just meant, oh never mind, you knew what I meant! :) My explanation is going to be longer than my whole never mind...don't talk sexy to people you meet online, how's that? :)

Molly said...

I knew you didn't mean me, I just found it amusing! But, having had that kind of unwelcome conversation online with someone, I know exactly where you are coming from. You can't be too careful these days. Which is why when we meet it will be in a public place.....just kidding!!!

Crimson said...

Congrats on the job!! Tell me more about the non-specific-hypothetical email freak!! I am nosey, remember!

Butrfly Garden said...


Liked your PSA. I learned that lesson long ago. (W"hat do you mean it's weird for a thirty year old man in England to want to meet a fifteen year old girl? Mom? Who are you calling? Oh.")

Bonnie B said...

I'm going to miss you so much!!!!!! Congrats though! But I must admit I am bummed because you were one of the few cool people in Paradise and now you are leaving us. Keep in touch and visit-- at least email me from time to time and I'll get back eventually

sweatpantsmom said...

Now that you've piqued our curiosity you'll have to post about your *ahem* special online friend.