Saturday, June 02, 2007


Yes, and I do mean oddness, besides my normal current oddness. Do you see this gnarly looking picture to your right? I don't know if it shows up good enough. Chad took it with my cell phone. Long story. Anyway, that is my arm, in case you were wondering. And I have a little mark on there, it's two small little puncture wounds, almost like a bite of some kind. And I've had it for a few weeks I think. Then today it showed up with a bruise all around it. Should I be worried? Freaked out? Do you think I have the plague? Should I immediately rush to the ER? I HATE doctors so the thought of going makes me feel all green and sheepish.

Thank you too for the sweetness you all expressed to me in my last post. I LOVE my blogging peeps. Wes, aka Angry Dad, gave me lots of good tips for my next interview, which I cannot begin to express my gratitude for. I appreciate everyone's sweet thoughts and kind very much.

Okay, so if you know anything about fat girls arms that suddenly show up with a weird little bite mark and a bruise around it 2 weeks later let me know. Chad accused somebody of doing something from a 1000 miles away, L.O.N.G. story, it cracked up me though. Augh, I need to get a life maybe. If you don't hear from me you'll know it was fatal and indeed I should have rushed in for emergency medicine!


Butrfly Garden said...

Wow. That picture is hard to see. So...I don't want to freak you out, but you should probably have it looked at if it gets worse overnight.

That's crazy about your grandma! My great grandma had my grandma as the result of an affair with a Mexican Indian - she was a Mormon lady so nobody ever talked about it. I'm not allowed to ask her about any of it, either, because she gets furiously defensive. :) Dumb old people.

Molly said...

I think you should get it checked out, try and go to the docs tomorrow because the ER do lots of things they don't really need to do just to cover their backs and to get lots of money out of you! But yes, definitely get it checked out!

That is cool that you know what tribe you are from, you will have to research your heritage and do a post on it.

yerdoingitwrong said...

um, I am the queen of googling strange illnesses, bumps or bruises and freaking myself out. My hubby has banned me from Web M.D. I'm sure it's nothing, but if you'd like for me to google it for you I'd be happy to. He didn't say I couldn't do it for others!!!


I'm pretty certain I need intense therapy.

GOOD luck on the interview, sugar!! Kick some arse. xoxoxo.

wayabetty said...

Are you sure Chad is not some vampire who only comes out at night and gave you those bites? Hmmm, kinky!!

Loriann said...

I'm no expert, and I can't see a thing in that picture, but it sounds like it could be a spider bite. Probably nothing serious since the bruise only appeared two weeks after the bite marks but it's always best to get it checked out just to be on the safe side.

Of course, like Wayabetty says, it could be Chad's alter ego that only comes out during the full moon (or maybe even a blue moon...didn't we have one of those recently.)

Keep us posted!

Bonnie B said...

It does look like a spider bite-- darn creepy crawly things!

Good luck at the Rancheria-- cool. New jobs are always fun--