Tuesday, July 04, 2006

A hateful meme

10 Things I HATE meme. . . (thanks Mommy of the Record!)

1. Target. Now, before you get all up in arms, let me explain. I normally LOVE Target. But, when I went there last week looking for sandals for the boys I was spewing hatred for my beloved Target. Why you ask? Well, let me tell ya' why. Do you know they had 87 aisles of shoes for little girls? And only a ½ aisle of shoes for boys, with about 3 pairs of summer shoes, including flip flops. Not kidding. GRRRR. That really steams me up, man. Does Target not realize that little boys get hot feet too?

2. Cancer. I just found that a really good family friend has cancer. Why hasn’t this awful disease been cured yet, huh? HUH? WHY?

3. Discrimination. I really hate it when people assume they know you based solely on your appearance. Be it your skin color, your race, your religion, or your weight. I am a BIG girl. It really steams me up when people assume I eat all day every day just because I am big. I actually eat as much or less than “normally” sized people. My body just doesn’t know it’s supposed to BURN the calories instead of saving them for a rainy day. *sigh* I also hate it when people assume that since I am big I don’t care about my appearance or that I don’t like cute clothes, shoes, what have you. What’s up with THAT?!?! Or that because I’m fat I have suddenly been rendered incompetent and am now stupid, and need to be told I should diet. My favorite is, “Have you ever thought about dieting?” GAWD, no, I have NEVER heard of that, could you please explain the concept to me? This extra layer of fat around my middle has made my common sense completely disabled. Thank you so much, you are my savior now, I had no idea that I could actually diet and lose weight! THANKS!!!!! Jerk. Yes, I have dieted, I exercise, I drink slim fast, I take those special vitamins that are supposed to speed up your metabolism, I have taken diet pills, I have went to a dietician for a year at a time, and I don’t hate half of what I would LOVE to eat, NOTHING works. But, thanks for your concern anyway. Idiot.

4. I hate foul language. I know. This makes me incredibly square and probably unpopular as well. I really hate the “F” word. I think there is so many better, more articulate ways to express yourself than using the F bomb. And isn’t it incredibly overused? I mean, come on, when it’s peppered into EVERY single sentence doesn’t it kind of lose its zing? I really hate it when I hear people cussing at college. COME ON people, we’re at an institute of higher learning. You aren’t creative enough to think up a more descriptive adjective?!?!? Use your imagination and come up with a better way to express yourself. **please note, I am not judging anyone for using foul language on their own blogs. It’s your blog. Swear up a storm. I’m just sayin’…. **

5. Bad manners. As in not saying “thank you” for a simple gesture. If I send you a package in the mail or give you a present, a simple thank you would be awesome. A thank you note would be even BETTER. But, that’s just me.

6. Bad movies. If I am going to spend 2 hours watching a movie it better be good.

7. Commercializing of everything. Does every single occasion have to be marked with gift giving and excess? Good Lord. It’s ridiculous. I don’t even celebrate Holidays and it still annoys me.

8. Kids TV commercials. We don’t have cable TV mostly because I hate for my kids to watch Nickelodeon or Disney and see all those TV commercials aimed at kids. They get the “I gotta have its” in a BAD way. And it’s just not good for any kid to have so much crap. And believe you me when I say that my kids have a TON of crap already. They don’t need one thing more--possibly in their lifetime, I am not sure about that. I’ll get back to you on that one.

9. Violence. I really hate violence in any forms. On TV, in the movies, in real life, and I think it’s sad how violence is exploited and sometimes glorified in our every day life. It starts to lose its shock value, which I think is a very dangerous trend.

10. Bad parents. Now, I am not saying that I will be nominated as Mother of the Year for 2006. However, I hate parents who are so selfish that they won’t stop what they are doing and ask themselves how it is affecting their children. That they brought into this world. I mean, come on. You can’t look at your kids and decide to stop drinking, or doing drugs, or whatever your destructive vice is, maybe even bad relationships, for the good of your children? I sure do wish we could legally force stupid people who do drugs, or drink, or abuse their children to be, I don’t know, sterilized maybe? Okay, maybe that’s severe. I don’t know. It sure doesn’t seem like our current system is working very well is all I’m saying.

Okay, this list was supposed to be 15 or 20 items long, depending on whose blog you look at. But, I have gotten myself all steamed up now so I will stop at 10. Unless I think of more garbage I wanna get off my chest, then I’ll amend my list!

I tag whoever wants to be tagged. I don’t know…talk amongst yourselves and decide who needs tagged! You’re IT, GOOOOOO…..run……!!!


Anonymous said...

Darn, we hate the same things...even Target. Oh, I hate memes too. Don't know why. I guess I've never been one to follow the herd. But I like to read other peoples.

And Thank you for reading my blog and commenting. It means a lot to me.

Mom101 said...

Boy, I'm with you on bad movies. I get so frustrated that bad ones even get made, whether or not I've spent the money on them. That's one more great film that got overlooked for American Pie 16: Stiffler Hits on the Other Residents of the Resthome, or whatever.

But I gotta say, I love the F word.

socialworker/frustrated mom said...

Yup I hate those things too. We should all do s/t about it.

Undercover Angel said...

I hate commercials aimed at kids too. It makes it really hard when you have one child asking for something, and you know that if you buy it for that child, you have to spend the same amount of money on all of your other children.

It drives me insane...

Babaloo said...

I hate foul language too, especially in front of my kids, hello? But, I do have to say I like to use it on my blog when I'm getting all "emotional" about this or that. I agree with your whole list, um, except Target. I'm sorry for the sandals, but??? I gotta stay loyal!

Cristina said...

yay! you did the meme!

Now, you know how much I love Target, but I totally agree with you on #1. It's the same with the clothes there. Why are there 5,000 cute little girl outfits and like 50 plain, OK-looking boys outfits? I actually went clothes shopping for Little Guy there and didn't find much, but couldn't resist buying the cutest little baby dress. I'm giving it away to a friend who has a little girl.

CP said...

I just hate memes. *L*

But I agree with you on discrimination.


Pendullum said...

Loved your list....
and I am free of the demon Target as there is not one in 100 miles of me... and for that I am truly happy.... i think it saves me a ton of cash... as whenever i am in one... i seem to have an uncontrollable urge to purchase things.... and think of the.......... SAVINGS!!!!
even though we truly did not need the item...

Anonymous said...

You'll have to come to the Target near my house. Gazillions of little boy sandals, but none for my two little hot-footed (hot feeted?) girls. I was forced to buy them expensive Speedo sandals. Curse you Target!

Pollyanna said...

Well, I knew the F word thing was gonna cause a commotion. :) To each his own....

And I do HATE Walmart. I just forgot to add that.

And I don't really HATE Target. I will still go in there as often as I can. I was just so annoyed about the little boys shoe thing. I mean, COME ON....it's 102 in Cali. Buy a clue people.

Wes said...

Interesting list! Glad you got it out, and I agree with pretty much all of what you say - although I wish I could stick more to it (without dropping the F-bomb so much in general language!) I agree totally with you on the movies!

Bonnie B said...

Wal mart is the devil's den-- talk about frustration center. I feel so claustrophobic