Sunday, July 09, 2006

Please pardon my funk!

Alright, so I am in a funk. I want to make that abundantly cleare at the beginning and at the start of this post. Proceed with caution, you may want to wear protective head gear and an asbestos suit, I’m just saying.

Connor indeed DOES have vitiligo. There is no known cure or cause. It could get a lot worse than it is already or it could stay status quo. It’s just a wait and see kind of deal. He already has a big patch of white below his lip. That’s my biggest fear; I don’t want his little face to be affected. He’s seriously cute. I know that sounds really shallow and unpolitically correct, but I don’t want his cuteness affected in anyway. Everywhere we go people always comment on his cuteness. Does it make me superficial that I want him to stay cute and for nothing to mar that cuteness? Probably. Do I want to apologize for that? No, not really. I’m telling you people, I am in a FUNK. I know there are a lot worse conditions than vitiligo, like skin cancer. I know that. And the fact that he’s already pale like mayonnaise is in our favor because the white patches aren’t as noticeable. It still pisses me off though. Why can’t we just be normal? WHY? Both of my boys are also somewhere on the high functioning autism scale and that’s a whole other drama. And now we get to add this to our repertoire of things that make us different. One more thing I have to explain about, one more thing I need to read about, one more thing I need to worry about. I am exhausted. I just want us to be normal. Before the vitiligo I was at least secure in the knowledge that even if Connor was flapping like a mad man or totally obsessed with the pattern on the wallpaper at least he LOOKED normal. Well, no more. . . And this is really, really bothering me. And it seems totally unfair and it pisses me off. Not to mention the fact that this is one more thing that Connor will have to deal with for the rest of his life. You are welcome son, autism and vitiligo are both genetic, yeah my genes suck big time, sorry about that. Hmm, maybe the whininess and drama queenness runs in the family, you think?

We have to get back to his Pediatrician, I have a call into him, for him to order blood tests to see if there is anything sinister behind the vitiligo. People can have vitiligo without having an autoimmune disease, which is good news, but it isn’t always the case. As I have expressed on this blog before, Connor is a serious drama queen. He lies on the floor sometimes and cries that he can’t move because, “his legs are breaking”, or his neck hurts. What if he has had a disease this whole time and has been having body aches and that’s where SOME of the whining stems from? Oh the guilt. I have yelled at him, swatted his bottom, and made threats if he didn’t get up and move NOW. Now the possibility of learning that maybe he has fibromiliga or something of that caliber and his joint really do ache makes my Mommy guilt scream and cuss and throw a fit. I was telling my friend Candace about my fears and she said, “Don’t worry. Maybe the blood tests will come back and confirm he’s just an overly dramatic little brat.” I said, “Gawd, I hope so”. Then we laughed, who wants their kid to be a spoiled brat? I do, if it’s between that and some kind of autoimmune disease. So, now we just WAIT. And wait. Meanwhile, I am buying stock in Coopertone as we will have to douse him in sun block for the rest of his live long days.

BTW, thank you to Anonymous on my last post. Your comment really did make me feel better. It is refreshing to read about someone who has vitiligo and isn’t in the circus because they look so freaky. You sound like a very well adjusted young lady. Thank you for taking the time to comment, really.

I have news about my sister and the drama down South. It’s a mess. It’s nothing any more dramatic than what’s already been going on. They went to court for T’s battery charge against her ex-husband, her son stood up and told the court all about everything that has been going on in house since the day he can remember, the judge dropped most of the charges against T and ordered her ex back in court the next day, as most of the charges that M leveled were against his Father. We have no idea what happened in court on Friday. T called my Mom on Thursday night and asked is she would foster care all three of the kids if they were taken away from T & G both. T also still needs to go to court for the meth charges she has against her. And no, I haven’t talked to her for about three weeks or more now.

Oh yes, and her other son J is having some serious emotional issues. Surprised, I know so was I? The other day T thought she heard J crying, but it was an odd sound, not like normal crying and she said, “J, are you crying?” J replied, “Oh, that’s not me Mom. It’s George”. Well, they have no George’s who live in that house. I think he must have another personality or something. Lovely. My Mom said, “T, what do you think that means? Do you think maybe you should get him help?” T’s response, the ever nurturing mother, was, “Oh Mom, I know what it means, it means all three of my kids are screwed up and I don’t want to deal with it”. My Mom replied, “Yeah, T I was quite certain that was how you would react”.

All I know for sure about that situation is this. And I know it sounds very cold and cruel of me. I can not take those kids on. If they were babies I would. But at this point all three of them are so screwed up emotionally they are going to need massive amounts of professional help. And I don’t want any of them around my kids. We have enough going on. I know, I know, it sounds awful. I feel like such a bitch for even uttering the words out loud, but it’s the truth. I think J is going to be a serial killer or something. No, I am serious. That kid is seriously messed up and soooooo angry, so angry he’s like a ticking time bomb. When they come up here last summer for a visit, when K still lived with me, he scared Chad and I both. He has this coldness to him that is truly eerie, its bone chilling really. The really sad part about that whole situation is that T left J with us for 4 months when I was pregnant with Trent. He was such a happy baby then. I offered to adopt him and she said No! of course. That’s her son; she would never ever give up custody of any of her kids. I was telling J when they were here visiting what a sweet little baby he was and how I wished I could have kept him forever. He looked at me like he wanted to gut me like a fish. Not kidding. Just cold and mean and so very angry, it was scary. *SIGH* Everything about T and her life and her kids life is infuriating, sad, a colossal waste of potential, and so unfair it makes me want to weep, rage, and scream.

I hope that all the kids get taken away from T & G both and that they are put into intense therapy ASAP. That may save them. All three of those kids are seriously messed up. It’s very sad.

Well, now that I have managed to be a major downer for the whole internet I will close. Thanks for listening to me bitch. Please don’t tell me it could be worse, I am not in the mood to hear that, at all. I am miserable, depressed, and angry right now. I KNOW it could be worse. But it feels pretty bad today and that’s all I know for sure.


Piece of Work said...

Jodi!! That sucks. REALLY REALLY SUCKS. You have every right to feel exactly the way you do. I wish I had some advice for you but I can only give you a cyber hug.

CP said...

Jodi -

Don't know if you know this or not, but I am a dermatology trained nurse. Vitiligo is so easy to maintain, honey. And you are catching it while he is still young. Your best defense, of course, is the sunscreen, sun avoidance and protective clothing. But, aside from that, there are certain steroids that he can use on his face to lessen the patches. It won't RID them, but it will lessen them. Get a referral to a pediatric dermatologist instead of going to your pediatrician. They have a lot more knowledge when it comes to treating vitiligo. Usually nothing sinister causes vitiligo. IT could be something as simple as genetics or a dormant autoimmune condition like Epstein Barr. Whatever you do, DONT FREAK OUT over his looks. Children will respond the way YOU do. They emulate their parents. Be casual about it, and he will be too. And don't DARE concern yourself with him looking like a freak, Jodi. He's your SON, for God's sake. He could have an arm growing out of his skull, and he'd still be beautiful. My son has congenital heart disease and has a LONG scar running from the sternum to abdomen from his open heart surgeries. He was very self conscious about it, but I would kiss that scar everyday and tell him it is what makes him uniquely...him. Our flaws are what make us uniquely beautiful, Jodi. No one is perfect and yes, vitiligo can be disfiguring for some people...but it doesn't have to alter a persons self esteem.

Don't do that to your son, honey.


Anonymous said...

Jodi you are welcome for the advice. I am not sure where you live, but the best advice I can give for vitiligo is ALWAYS protect from the sun. Personally I have a wide variety of hats and if Connor likes them they will help. Light weight longsleeve shirts also help too, especially when you are out in the sun all day. Like I said before, I got mine as a teenager and decided the rest of me should be as tan as possible so I would put sunscreen on the spots and tan the rest of me, which made the vitiligo show up more. If Connor is fair and you use sunscreen it may not be very noticible at all. Just remember to be very vigilant with the sunscreen, find one that works like a lotion, and use it that way. I have gotten burned on days when you think there is no sun in the sky. The vitiligo patches have zero protection from any sun. Live and learn. I hope the other tests turn out okay. If the vitiligo is all it is everything will be fine.

Pollyanna said...

Thank you for all your kind words, guys. It means so much to me, you don't even know.

I want to reassure CP and everybody else that I am not treating Connor like a freak. I am acting calm and normal around him. My blog is just a place that I can rant and rave and feel sorry for myself. I don't have to be his Mom on here. Does that make sense? I am researching pediatric dermatologists as we speak, actually, that was really good advice. However, you're right, CP if I act embarrsed about his flapping or his vitiligo then he will too. That was a good reminder. And Lawd woman, is there ANYTHING you don't do? You are every kind of a nurse I have ever heard of. I have episten barr so it wouldn't surpise me if he had it. I wonder if I gave to him when I was pregnant? Geez...

Thanks again annoymous, you are awesome. We live in N.Cali so it gets STINKING hot here and the sun is out 6 months straight. I plan on dousing him in sunscreen even when it's raining! :) he does like hats. Chad and I were just talking about that. I think we'll get him a really cute straw hat, I think he'd dig that. He's a funny kid. SOOOOO funny. He already wears glasses, and they turn into sunglasses in the sun, so he'll look styling in his little hat and sunglasses.

Kristin said...

Hey Woman... I am sorry about all this. Shit, life is never easy... sounds like anonymous has given you some really good advice and the fact that your boy is pale appears to be a real bonus... however, it is never easy when something is happening to our children and I know that you would give anything to switch places with him right now. Hang in there, Jodi... you will all be OK.

Bonnie B said...

Jodi-- People say this kind of stuff all the time their lives "are soap operas," but your life really is a soap opera.
I was gone two weeks and returned to the show in full swing with new twists and turns and tradgedies.
Though I think the only way you could be an official soap opera is if you were have a torrid affair and chasing mysitcal warlord who wants to capture you brain wash you and make you his hitwoman-- let's hope that doesn't happen.
I am going to have to back and read everything I missed just so I can be in the loop.
How much more crap can they heap on you? You are stronger than I am , I'd probably be curled up in a corner sucking my thumb and twirling my hair.

I do hope you realize I was trying to make you crack just a little smile. I'm not mocking your tragedy-- at least i hope I don't sound like I am.

Come over and drink some wine with me this week if you want. I miss you Jodi.

Wes said...

Hey Jodi, hopefully just by tping all this stuff out it gives you a bit of a release. You sure have a lot going on at your place at the moment, which makes my nut house seem like the peanut gallery! I'm sure Connor will ultimately adjust, as kids are remarkably resilient. You'll get lots of support and advice from all of us Net Heads as well, so all ya gotta do is type and there's a stack of us at the other end!
P.S. Don't feel guilty at all about your choices with T!

Cristina said...

I am so sorry about all of this, Jodi. This is a lot to take all at the same time. Don't feel guilty about not wanting to take T's kids. You are just being honest with yourself that it would be too much for you to handle. That's OK.

Also, I didn't know that your boys had a high functioning level of autism. That must make things even more tough on you. And then the vitiligo on top of that! Anyone would be in a "funk". You seem to be handling this really well.

Don't be too hard on yourself or feel guilty about any of it. It is not your fault that your kids have some health issues, nor is it your responsibility to raise T's kids if it's more than you can handle.

You may not feel this way right now, but I think you are incredibly brave, strong and much more positive than I would be in your situation. Keep plowing ahead. Hopefully, things will get better soon.

Anonymous said...

If you can't bitch about your life on your blog then where else?

I concur with all that has been written above. I was I had a mgic wand that I could wave over your life and make all of the shit go away. I am sending you many, many hugs instead.

How about trying a cowboy hat...boys love cowboy hats!

socialworker/frustrated mom said...

Eeew that is a tough yucky one. Hope it goes away soon. Good luck!

Undercover Angel said...

Oh, Jodi, I feel so bad for you. I'm sorry to hear that Connor does have vitalgo. I will keep my fingers crossed that that's all it is. Bless his little heart.

As for T and her kids - I don't blame you for not wanting to take them in. You have enough going on in your own family to start dealing with that.

Chin up sweetie, hopefully things will start to look better soon. Tomorrow is a new day.

j.sterling said...

awwww jodi! it will all be okay! i know you're in a funk and that's okay- we all have those days. things will look up. and honestly, i don't think it's superficial of you to want his cuteness to stay cute. i mean, i think it's natural that you want do protect your child in any way that you can- you know? i would feel the same way.
hang in there

Babaloo said...

Wow Jodi. I cannot believe how much you have on your plate right now. Just for the fact that you aren't writing this from a mental institution under heavy sedation, you have my deep, deep respect. (((sigh))) Your strength and perseverence are seriously astounding. My wish for you today is that you find yourself time to breathe. Take care!

Loriann said...

I don't think you sound cold or cruel when it comes to speaking about your sister and neice and nephews. You've done a lot already for them and now it is time to do for you own family. I often would try and solve everyone's problems and my own would never get solved. It's time we all agree that we can't always solve the worlds problems and take care of our own first. (Families and problems that is). You sound like a great mom keep up the good work!

Suburban Turmoil said...

Wow, Jodi, such a lot to deal with. I hope the vitiligo isn't too serious. Poor thing. And poor you, too. Chin up. :)

but Momma said...

Sounds like you've had a tough one. I hope you'll do something nice for you this week. Give yourself a break and a chance to breath.

Or ice cream. Ice cream is good.

Sending you out the good vibes....

karen! said...

Wow, I don't even know what that is, but anything that threatens your kid's cuteness is horrible! My son's eczema threatens his cuteness too. His face gets all crusty, but now we have him on this new medicine, and I can feel some softness to his face again!
I hope things get better for you!

Anonymous said...

Conner will be cute, white spots or not; hello, he is a crack up!! Your family is making you nuts; move, run away, or eat 2 dozen cookiesm what ever you need to do to feel better! Call me when you can Luv Ya Candace

Pendullum said...

You are the perfect Momma Bear...
You would take anything on for your kids. There is nothing wrong with wanting to protect your cubs. I am with you all the way. Nothing about what you wrote about vitiligo is superficial... Nothing wrong with wanting to protect him along the way...
And nothing wrong with trying to protect your entire family from being brought down by your sisters family.
Stay the course...
And I shall be thinking about you all day...
Take care of yourself...

Anonymous said...

Jodi, I'm so sorry to hear about all you're going through. Please don't beat yourself up worrying about the vitiligo, or whether your "genes suck." You're a wonderful mother, and your boys are lucky to have you. You'll get through this. Sending my best thoughts to you!