Sunday, July 02, 2006

Issues, so very many issues

Issue 1. A few of you expressed concern after my last post that I was considering taking K back in. Not to worry. Chad and I have came to a firm decision on this one. We will NOT allow K. To come back into our home to live. It caused a plethora of problems last time and we are just not ready to do that drama again. My Mom and S even agree with us and that folks is a TRUE blue miracle.

Issue 2a. I have not talked to T for a few weeks now. I told my Mom about somebody's, can't remember who's, BRILLIANT idea to send T a letter and have her sign and notarize it saying she was responsible for the debt. Mom agreed it was a BRILLIANT idea but said I would NEVER succeed in getting T to follow through and actually do it. *sigh* However.....

Issue 2b. Chad and are in the midst of going through a debt help place. You know, one of those places that helps you to negoite for lower interest rates with your creditors and sets up a repayment plan with the creditors to stop all the late fees, late fees on the late fees, overlimit fees, overlimit fees on the overlimit fees, and ect....Chad attempted to add the braces people to that plan and the braces debt is not even on my credit report. As in there is no listing that I even owe those people money. SOOOO, now I wonder if that mean souless devil creditor man was just lying to me {shocking thought, i know. Try and pick yourself up off the floor with that one folks...}. Maybe the debt really is in T's name? Doesn't it seem like if it was in my name it would show up on my credit report? What would YOU do? I can't remember on the contract if I was required to put in my social or not. And of course one day in a paperwork frenzy I shredded up that contract thinking it was all taken care of. Dumb, I know, VERY dumb. i have made so many istakes on this whole deal I can't even remember them all. *SIGH* I should not be allowed to deal with money or contracts or anything EVER again.

Issue 3a. Connor has these weird white patches of skin on his elbows, knees, top of his feet, and hands. My Mom took him to his pediatrician Thursday and Dr L said he thinks Connor may have vitiligo, isn't that what Michael Jackson said he had and had to bleach his skin as a result?? GREAT. Dr L also referred to him a dermatologist. We go to see that new Doc Thursday. Dr L warned us the new Doc will probably want to do a biopsy of the wierdo rash to figure what is is. Can't wait for that with Mr. Drama Connor himself. I did some research on vitiligo and promptly freaked myself out. Therefore, I decided it's in the best interests of my emotional health and blood pressure to not do any more research until we find out for sure what this weird skin condition is. Basically vitiligo is a genetic condition (GUILT, so much guilt) and is sometimes the result of a more serious DISEASE. *GULP* And I am having skin issues of my own....

Issue 3b. Albeit they are much less potentially serious than Connor's skin irriations. I have been using the new Vaseline Healthy glow lotion. It has a "touch" of sunless tanner included in the regular Vaseline lotion. Holy Stinking cow, they weren't a kiddin'. I have a VERY healthy looking tan indeed, in only two days. The stuff works awesome, you can get it at your local friendly Target store. Because you are my friend, I will give you this bit of advice. Be sure to put some of the lotion on your feet if you choose to use it. I was staring at my calves Friday at work {I was wearing capris}, because I don't know why, I think I was bored out of my mind, and noticed how TANNED my-big-as-tree-trunks-calves-looked. Holy Moly, I thought, that stuff works FAST. Then I glanced at my feet, admiring my cute sandals, and also noticing I need a pedicure, again DAMN IT. My feet were as white as the day i was born. I looked like I had nylons on that ended at my chubby ankles. Not a cute look in case you were wondering! Yesterday after I showered I was sure to put the lotion on my feet, they are looking a little bit better, but now a little streaky. *****GRRRRRRRR***** Good Lord, I am just not sure if I want a healthy glow anymore. Does everybody else have these problems or is just me?

Oh, and this really isn't a issue, but Connor finally lost that tooth that gave us so much grief a month or so ago. Hallelujah!!! He looks cute and like such a big boy now. My Grandma gave him a green dollar and that made all the pain and turmoil worth it for him. :) The kid LOVES green dollars, but then who doesn't?


socialworker/frustrated mom said...

Sounds like tension in the air. Hope you are doing s/t to keep yourself sane. I am sure you are as you are amazingly strong.

Undercover Angel said...

You have so much going on right now. I'm so glad that you aren't going to let K. live with you again. You should get your husband to ask that lawyer if the fact that the braces aren't showing up on your credit record works in your favor. It would be wonderful if that ended the whole fiasco.

As per the self tanning vaseline - I can't use self tanners. I turn a very unattractive shade of orange...

Anonymous said...

Green money is sooo much better then the purple kind!

Here's some more unsolicited advice. Call angry collection guy and ask for a copy of ALL of the loan documentation. If you are the debtor it is your right under law. And it is strange that it hasn't appeared on your credit report. Did you check all three services? There are three you know, and sometimes what doesn't appear on one will appear on another.

Yeah, I turn orange too. I have decided to embrace my "magnolia" complection!

Cristina said...

Hmmm. If the braces debt isn't on your credit report, it COULD still be there. I think there are 3 different major credit reporting companies and sometimes each of their reports is slightly different for some reason. You can get the credit reports for free from these companies. Perhaps you should check them all just in case. I hope this all gets resolved soon.

Sorry to hear about the white patches. I've never heard of vitiligo. Hope that's not a serious condition.

Babaloo said...

On top of calling angry collection guy (onetallmomma's comment), maybe you can request a copy of the contract from the braces people? Also, definitely keep checking your credit report. Sounds like you guys are on top of this thing. Also good luck w/ your son's appointment I hope it turns out okay. Take Care!

Piece of Work said...

That IS a lot of issues. HOpefully Conner's skin issue will just be some random weird rash--my kids (and I!) get them all the time. The dermatologist doesn't have a clue.
As for the braces debt, it does seem strange to me thatit didn't show up on your credit report. BUt I don't know what to tell you to do about that! I know those debt collectors lie and intimidate as a matter of course, but I don't know what you can or should do aboutit. Guess that's not much help!

Hope you have a fantastic 4th anyway!

but Momma said...

Hang in there you half tanned nut! Maybe the rash will turn out to me excema. We're struggling with that one, but it sounds less stressful than vitiligo.

Cristina said...

Tag! You're it if you want to play!

Pollyanna said...

I just want to clear one thing up. I am not so worried about the vitiligo as I am about what may be CAUSING the vitiligo. That's what totally freaked me out when I did research, the diseases that are sometimes behind the vitiligo. Anyway, the little white spots don't bother me, I just hope he doesn't have some freaky disease. Ya know???

Anyway, thanks for your well wishes. I will let you all know what the Doc says on Thursday.


Anonymous said...

I have vitiligo myself and have since I was 13 I am now 38. Mine is hereditary and apparently related to hormones. When I got married and started taking birth control pills, it spread from patches to all my skin. Other than having to be very vigilant about the sun since I have no pigment, but am not an albino I have had no other health problems related to it. One advantage. At 38 I look more like 28, as I have not had a tan in 20 years. I am not freakishly pale, just very fare skinned. If it is vitiligo, make sure to keep sunscreen on at all times even in winter and late in the evening. You will be amazazed at how easily he burns. And don't worry about him "fading" like Michael Jackson I never faded I either had pigment or I did not.

As for the debt relief agency, I worked for a bankruptcy attorney and we had lots of people who went through them and paid them only to find that their bills were not being paid down as promised. DO YOUR RESEARCH. Also the bills your are paying can still report as late on your credit report. As for the braces bill, most medical and dental bills do not report to the credit reporting agencies until after things have been turned over to collections and
collection agencies ususlly take up to 60 days to report so get a copy of the contract, and tell the agency you want a copy of the assignment.

Good luck at the doctor.