Tuesday, July 18, 2006

No Whining here, baby!

So, yeah, Connor is fine. He is "perfectly normal" as his pediatrician put it. YIPPEE!!!! He does have vitiligo but no other health concerns at this time. What happy news. Thank you all, my blogging peeps, for putting up with my malodorous mood, my whining, and my general funkeness. These are traits of yesteryear and now I will be joyous yet again. Well, as joyous as I get. Thanks too for all your well wishes and expressions of support. It means so much to me. More than you will know.

I am almost done with training! This too is cause for great joy. I am sick and tired of being stuck in training learning about insurance, who knew there was so much to insurance?!?!?!, with eleven other people, half of whom are seriously getting on my last nerve. We get to move onto the floor next Friday. Well, ten of us do. Two of us don't have desks or a spot yet in the OJT area. One being yours truly. HOWEVER, in light of my new motto of being joyous I will not complain, oh no I will not, don't tempt me, get behind me Satan, I will not BITCH, I won't do it. I get paid the same either way, whether I have a desk for the first few days of OJT or not. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

I seen Creepo Guy today. Gawd, that guy seriously gives me the hebbie jeebies. He isn't fired yet, obviously, which slightly brings down my mojo, my vibe, my feelings of elation, but not much. I just keep hoping I will never ever see him again. You'd think by working in a office with 300 other people I wouldn't see him very often, but you'd be surprised. Creepy people are like that, I think they must clone themselves so you see them 5666788 gizzilion more times than you wish you would. Goodness. If he was drop dead beautiful with a charming personality I would probably NEVER see him, 'cuz well this is how it goes. I think he may or may not be my stalker, if I ever spot him in the woman's room or at Target, I'll know for sure and keep you posted.

HMMM...crazy druggie sister news, you ask, perched on the edge of your seat in hope and anticipication? WHY YES, dear reader, I do have crazy druggie sister news. It seems as though my niece has moved in with her boyfriend's family about one half of the time. My sister called me the other day to complain about it and then proceeded to get high while she was on the phone with me. I kept hearing her lighter clicking on and off and put two and two together. I hung up on her. The reason for her call, you ask? Good question, dear reader, Gawd you're smart. She was calling me trying to get a hold of my Mom. You see, she seems to think I know where our mother is 100% of the time and can give her coordinates on a map as to where to reach said mother at any point in the day. I have told her time and time again I have no such technology, but being the crazy druggie sister that she is she doesn't believe me and I don't think remembers that we ever had this coversation previously. She wants my Mom to come to LA and stay with her ex-husband in her old apartment and make her ex be nice to her and let her have visitation with her kids and make K stop spending so much time with Boyfriend. I said, "Alright, it's official, you really are smoking crack if you think Mom is going to go for that". She couldn't understand why I thought it was such a crazy idea and why Mom wouldn't jump on the chance to go down there. Mom won't even pick up the frickin phone with T calls, I really don't think she's going to be making an SOS trip clear to LA for her. Good Lord. T is a certifiable idiot, whether she's high or not. I really don't think crazy druggie sister will be out of jail long. She got convicted on that meth charge and is supposed to be attending drug and alcohol meetings and going to anger management and other court BS, in lieu of any real punishment of course. She is supposed to be randomly drug tested, I'm sure the probation department is waiting outside her door now with a urine cup in hand to perform the test. Yeah, sure they are. However, since she was literally getting high while she was on the phone with me I can't imagine she's sober much of the time, eventually she'll get caught, I just know it. I have no clue what's up with K or how she is. She called me the other day too, but mostly we just chit chatted about her hair and other girlie stuff. I really don't want to know what's going on, cuz that's a real buzz kill, so I don't ask....I am trying out the cool Aunt routine now. SHUT UP! I can to be a cool Aunt. Geez....

My sister that lives here, S, she's 10 years younger than me and is a major pain in my ass. I know, I'm not supposed to be complaining, but this really isn't a complaint as much as stating fact. This girl is a true pain the the ass, no really, she is. She's mad at me AGAIN, she's always pissed at me for something. This time it's because I said that I didn't think there was much to do for K until she wants to help herself. S got all sulky and slammed the door and left when I said that. I'm not exactly sure what she wants ME to do about it, I called S, of course she didn't pick up the phone, and asked her just what she thinks I should do or whom I should call. Because she's real mature like that she called me right back and told me who I should call, NOT. She is just sulking that I don't love K like her and that I am doing nothing for the situation. Mind you, S is perfectly capable of dialing the phone as much as I am, but for some reason it's MY job. And I don't even want K back here. MAJOR sigh. Lawd, 9 days out of 10 I seriously wish I was a only child!

S is having her gallbladder out next Tuesday and I can already sense the drama coming with that one. I can already tell you that she will be in the most pain of anybody who has ever had their gallbladder removed, especially yours truly, and will be such a big baby about the whole bloody ordeal that I will be forced, shoved really, to bite my own hand in order to prevent myself from smacking her right between the eyes. Yes,the love between us is almost palatable, I know you can feel it right now.

And that note I will close. My Advil PM has indeed kicked in and I am now seeing double. Peace out my blogging peeps. Thanks for everything! !


Cristina said...

Sooo happy to hear the good news about Connor. That is wonderful!

Sorry about the sista problems though. I guess some bad comes with the good sometimes.

Babaloo said...

I am so glad to hear that Connor (I love that name btw) is okay. I love your attitude about your sisters. You have a great head on your shoulders! Reading about creepy guy still weirds me out, I can't imagine what it must be like to see him everyday, ugh!

Loriann said...

I'm so glad to hear that your son is healthy and well. I know that must be a huge weight off of your shoulders. As for your younger sister, maybe you should suggest that she let K move in with her and then she can tell you what to do. I agree, if she wants to help K then she needs to pick up the phone. You've already done a lot for K and in the long run you're right in that K won't get better until she wants to. Good luck and I will keep all of your family (especially you) in my thoughts and prayers.

Bonnie B said...

Sigh, wipe forehead and put paperbag down.
Everytime I read your blog and I am prepared to hyperventilate.
Jodi-- I am so happy things are looking up. If I were you, I think I'd change my phone number so big and little sis can't find you:)
No-- then what excitement would there be in your life!

Miss you, girl. WIsh I was taking some crime class with you again.

Anonymous said...

I came I read and laughed my head off, Jodi you are so funny!!!!
I am sooooo HAPPY for Conner, and that you can feel free to scream swat and threaten him with bodily harm for going limp and sreaming in pain for no physical reason.

socialworker/frustrated mom said...

Happy he is fine. Hesterical thanks for the laughs.

ditzymoi said...

siblings are a pain in the ass arent they? i think my brother probably hangs out with your sister, their lives sound sadly a lot alike :(
im glad your little boy is ok and its not more serious
now take a deep breath lol

Kristin said...

Great news on the Conor front... but, the sister.... well, sorry about her.

CT Yankee's Belle said...

I am glad to hear about the vitiligo. Just remember lots of sunscreen. Good luck with the sisters. I am the oldest of 3 girls and they can make me crazy. Good luck with yours.

P. S. I used to be anonymous. I have a blog now, just no time to post to it.

Some Random Girl said...

well, your younger sister should take care of the druggie and everyone would be happy!

Wes said...

Good news on Connor! Hope the other stuff unravels and you don't get caught in the net!