Friday, May 12, 2006


Alright, first of all I want to tell you to go visit my friend's blog, Of Socks and Men, Bonnie B is an awesome writer. She does a mixture of poems, which I am not a fan of poetry so I can't tell you if it's good or not--I am assuming that it is, and then some regular writing stuff. Anyway, you'll feel smarter for visiting her blog, I promise, so go click on her link up there, come on just click. Right now, I'll wait....

See, don't you feel smarter? I told you that you would! And on to the news of my life. Dramatic drum roll, please. I wanted to give you all an update since I have had you on pins and needles wondering what happened with the dynamic mother/daughter duo of T & K. Or as they shoud be called "dumb and dumber". Sorry, that was mean, although not totally uncalled for. But, we should not utter disparaging remarks to or about those of us who are a beer short of a six pack. And that, my blog friends, is your civic lesson for the day.

T. got out of jail. She goes back to court next week wherein she will most likely be punished by being put on probation. She beat up her husband, was mouthy with the fine peacekeeping efforts of the men in blue, and made a general ass of herself while in jail. I think that deserves probation, don't you? She got out of jail and hightailed it over to juvvy, where the authorities had warehoused K for the night not knowing what to do with K after she was released from the hospital, and picked her daughter up. It is NOT against the law to be on probation so she was allowed to pick her kid up from juvvy. After this my brilliant sister decided she didn't want to live with her husband anymore, he was just too restrictive. She wants to stay out all night drinking and hanging with other men. He just does not like that for some odd reason. Therefore, T & K have moved out of the apartment, leaving T's other 2 kids there with their Dad, and are moving into an apartment that is being paid for by the County. It's a long story and one you don't want to hear, trust me.

K is thrilled beyond belief. She will be able to do whatever in the hell she wants while it's just her & her brain dead Mother. Only T has ALREADY found a new boyfriend, she is a fast worker, so who knows what kind of rules the new guy will have. Hard to say really.

And so, in the continuing soap opera that is my life, "As the Stomach turns", I don't have to worry about what I am going to do with my wild niece, at least for this week. For this I am thankful. I am hopeful she will be alive and well this time next week. Tune in for the next installment of ATST as our heroine {that would be ME 'cuz this is MY blog, damnit} discovers she is pregnant with an alien lifeforms offspring, her house was hit by a meteor and the insurance company failed to cover her loss listing it as a "an act of bad luck", the bank closes her checking account citing a distburance in the "force", and she fails all her Finals exams despite pulling straight A's this semester. *sigh* I hope I get wrote out next season, I am tired of being the heroine on a soap opera....

Update: I fixed the funky link for Bonnie's blog above. Sorry about that. I guess I'm not as techno savvy as I hoped. (haha) And I just found that K. got a nose ring. Isn't that sweet? A troubled 14-year-old with a nose ring. Doesn't it make you go AUGHGHGH. OY VEY.


Wes said...

You know, it would be pretty cool if you got pregnant to aliens!

(And it was oh so hard to find something to make light out of from this post - so I hope it gave you a bit of a laugh given all the other stuff!)

Some Random Girl said...

you soooo don't want that girl to move back do you? after last time....that was horrible.

Pollyanna said...

Angry Dad- Yes, I was trying to poke fun at myself too. :) Thanks for reading my drama.

SRG- NOOO, I do not want that girl back. Believe me. It will only be because she literally has nowhere else to go. I will suggest that she be ANYWHERE but here. Preferably in a locked environment somewhere, because that's where she needs to be in order to be safe.

Loriann said...

I'm so sorry to hear about all of the chaos in you nieces life. How old is she again? She sounds like she is "screaming out" for help and it doesn't seem like anyone but yourself is really trying to help her. Isn't there someway social services could get involved and get her the counseling and therapy and possibly medication that she needs? I'm sure if they found the right counselor for her, even if she didn't want to go and just sat there like a stone, eventually she would open up and they would be able to help her. My 12 yr old hasn't wanted to go for counseling since being emotionally abused by her father but after many weeks of just making jewelry and eating chocolate chip cookies with the counselor she is finally opening up. I hope your niece gets the help she really needs and I will keep you all in my prayers.

sweatpantsmom said...

Wow. You certainly have a lot to contend with. I hope you got a little bit of a break this Mother's Day (You really should write a screenplay about all of this.)

Wendy aka Cheeky said...

And I thought I had a lot of drama....impregnated by aliens? LOL

wopanese said...

damn... reminds me of some of the hooha I've got goin on right now..

Bonnie B said...

Thanks for the kudos, but you are one fantastic writer yourself.
I hope things get better for you-- at least you can laugh

Perstephone said...

Wow! So. Much. Happening!

Here's to hoping they write you out of next season, too!

Suburban Turmoil said...

Whoa. Now that's high drama.

Kristin said...

listen jodi, if any evil twins show up, you just beat it the hell out of dodge!

good luck with all the drama... i can highly reccomend a little break to santa fe.

Babaloo said...

It gets to a point where you just have to laugh about how ridiculous it all is right? And I see you are doing just that! Good for you.

BTW, I checked out your friend's blog (Of Socks and Men) it is really cool! But (sorry for being a geek, i just wanted to let you know in case you want to fix it), your link has to many http's in it and you get an error when you click on it...