Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I got ANOTHER email survey. . .

I got yet another email survey today and I was feeling a bit sarcastic, so here's how I replied to my "friend" who wanted to know everything about me. Luv ya, Candace :)

What time did you get up this morning? 8:30 (Chad is off work so he got Trent off to school....aughgh...it's good to be me)
2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? HOT HOT Naked Girls Part IV in a seedy theater in San Francisco.....just kidding actually it was Brokeback Mountain...which I still don't know if I liked or not, the man on man love was a bit tame, I would like to see MORE GRAPHIC sex between two men, I mean come on, we're all adults here, show me the real deal!
4. What is your favorite T.V. show? This old House OR anything about home improvement; in a pinch I will watch desperate housewives putting up thier own gutters while discussing thier gray's anatomy
5. What do you usually have for breakfast? Coffee & a twig from a evergreen tree, on a skinny day I will also eat one curd of cottage cheese
6. What is your middle name? Adele Shenequia Yakeema
7. Favorite foods? Anything tasteless, fat free, calorie free, and taste free
8. What foods do you dislike? Anything that tastes good, has fat, lots of flavor, or comes with cheese....do you know how many calories a gram of cheese has for God's sake????
9. What is your favorite chip flavor? Chips, who eats chips? I don't eat chips...if I did it would probably be Sour Cream & Onion
10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Polka Party, the untold story and history
11. What kind of car do you drive? Mercury Mountaineer or my kids LIttle Tikes Car, which ever I can find the keys to in the morning
12. Favorite sandwich? Sandwich? Do you know how many calories are in a sandwich? Back when I ATE, I would say grilled cheese probably, my memory is foggy and I can't really remember back that far
13. Favorite item of clothing? My size 4 micro mini I picked up last time we were in Vegas
14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Ireland, I would like to drink green beer and dance with the leperchauns
15. What color is your bathroom? Right now? A very shocking WHITE. It is in the middle of being transformed into different hues of purple, pink, lime green, and lemon yellow...the Viking helmet lampshade is on backorder
16. Favorite brand of clothing? Anything designer, baby
17. Where would you like to retire to? Alturas, because really, isn't it heaven on earth???
18. What was your most memorable birthday? Birthday? Are you kidding me with this one???
19. Favorite sport to watch? Chess, it's quite riveting really
20. Furthest place you are sending this? Hell
21. Goal you have for yourself? To stop killing people, you know I am running out of places to bury the dead bodies....
22. Who do you expect to not send this back to you? My email buddies at the prison in Folsom, I think they will get right on it once they get thier computer privelages back
23. Person you expect to send it back first? See #22
25. When is your Anniversary? to which husband? to current husband, it's foggy, but I think October 12, 1909
26. Are you a morning person or a night person? night person, it's easier to conceal my dastderly deeds in the cover of night
27. What is your shoe size? 12.5
28. Pets? 1 dog, 2 children, and a husband that I like to call, "lover"
29. New and exciting news you'd like to share? I am feeling a bit sarcastic this morning
30. What did you want to be when you were little? a unwed mother with 13 kids, no teeth in the front of my mouth and no car, well one that runs anyway
31. How are you today? see number 29
32. What is your favorite candy? candy???? are you serious????? I never eat the stuff....pure sugar and it goes right to my earlobes
33. Favorite flowers? dandelions
34. Favorite shoes? my hot pink stilettos that glitter when I walk

So there you go. If you send me another one of these email surveys things and I am in a mood watch out! :)


Some Random Girl said...


astrocoz said...

Just dropping by from recommendation of SRG. I like your posts so far, so I blogrolled ya.

Some Random Girl said...

go to blogrolling and sign up. you drop it in your template. then you can get rid of the edit me links....those are in your template and if you look you should see the "hreff:<> links /" etc. type of shit....you can figure it out but then you can add your own links

go to astrocoz' site and you can see her blogrolling and click on blogrolling and it will take you to their main site.

karen! said...

thanks for viewing my site! I started to read this one, but I have a fever and don't feel so good, so I will bookmark you and come back later. I'm online all the time!

karen! said...

I'd say that my favorite chip is chocolate! Good one!
Oh, I do the blogrolling thing too. It's much easier than putting them in to the code yourself! I also have a link at the bottom of my "blogs I like" list.