Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Pregnant girls and other people's kids

I seen a pregnant girl smoking yesterday. A VERY pregnant girl. I wanted to shout something rude at her, but since I am a wimp I just drove by her VERY slowly and gave her the evil eye while shaking my head. That'll teach HER! I bet she put that cigarette out as soon as I drove away. My evil eye is THAT powerful, aren't you impressed?

While on my same trip out and about, they usually let me out of my cage once a week, I visited my somewhat local Target. There were screaming kids all over that store. My screaming kids were at home with their Dad, where they belong! Usually other people's misbehaving kids don't annoy me, if they're not my brats, I can usually just tune it out and be happy it isn't MY kid throwing a God awful fit in a public place. Yesterday, however, I wanted all the kids out of Target. Even the cute ones. Which by the way, I seen a lot of UGLY kids yesterday, or maybe it was just my mood? Anyway, I was very peeved at the mother's who stood in the middle of the SlimFast isle and chatted while their wee ones screamed and carried on in the cart right next to their side. Could the chatting mummy's not hear their darlings ear piercing screams and see their squished red faces in need of something, some kind of attention of some kind?? SOOOOOO rude.

And that's all I have to say about THAT.


karen! said...

I knew a girl once that smoked like a chimney and then she found out she was pregnant, and she said that her doctor told her to keep smoking because if she quit at that stage, the baby would go into withdrawl! Can you believe it? So she just smoked hapily in public whenever she wanted and smiled about it! Crazy! I didn't still know her when the baby was due. So I don't know how that baby turned out or if it even lived! I worked with this girl and she went on her maternity leave and I never saw her again.

wopanese said...

well, not to say it's good or anything, but there is some truth to that withdrawal thing... and whole generations of people have been born to smokers, myself included.

but I have seen a GREAT picture of a pregnant woman smoking from my local area. Oh, she was complaining to the board because they were using jackhammers and lots of loud construction equipment on a site right next to her house - she sued out of fear for what all that noise would do to her fetus, right? So they took a picture of her to post in the paper, and there she is, giving the evil eye to the construction workers, pregnant belly there... with a cigarette in her hand.

What an EEDiot.

Pollyanna said...

GAWD, that just makes me laugh. I don't know why, maybe because she was just sooooo stupid. GOOD LORD. An EEDiot indeed! I'm assuming her little antics didn't do much for her case, no?