Saturday, March 25, 2006

Okay, so I turned 36!

Yeah, that's right, I turned 36. And my Driver's License expired so I had to go to DMV and renew it. And get a new picture, YUCK. And then I realized that when my DL expires again I will be 40! GAWD. 40. EUGH. That just seems so OLD. And grown up. And mature. And I don't feel any of those things. 40. WOW.

And on to other big news in my life, I have to babysit today for my SIL. I am dreading it. I can't stand other people's kids, hell, I can hardly stand my own. (except for yours of course, your kids I adore and would babysit anytime, it would be my pleasure in fact} My SIL's kids are WHINY too. The youngest is 5, 2 weeks younger than Connor, and he is soooooo whiny. Drives me nutty. And her older son is 14. He drives me crazy. Crazy I tell you. (it sounds wierd that a 14 year old needs a babysitter, huh? Well, they live about 2 hours from here and so I guess they don't want to leave him alone or something...}Why can't I say NO to her when she calls to ask me to babysit? WELL, probably because last month she took my kids to Chucky Cheese and anybody that will do that deserves to be rewarded. And I am perhaps hoping she will take my kids again, so that's probably why I said YES. But I am still dreading it.

Our painting project is almost done! I love our new paint. And I got new window treatments too. As soon as I figure out how to post pictures on this damn blog, which will probably be about the time I turn the big 40, I will post so you all can see our new digs. I know, I know, you can barely stand the excitement, but just drink some sleepy time tea and relax! :)

1 comment:

Some Random Girl said...

Happy Birthday!!!! Hope you have a good day!